The assignment should be straight to the point without going above and beyond with the information given. Do not assume anything out of the data that is given to you and make sure to use in-text citations to make your point across. All references should be within the last 5 years.
A Peer Response must be substantive by bringing information to the discussion or further enhance the discussion. Statements like “I agree” or “great post” does not count for the words or sentences.
Each Peer Response must have a minimum of ONE reference with citations (the best is a peer-reviewed article)
Word count is greater than 75 words or at least 5 sentences in length
Please no more than 80-100 words respond to attach uploaded file discussion response to attach file.
Discussion Response
Author’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Discussion Response
Hypersensitivity can occur in various types: reaction interceded by Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibiotics, cytotoxic reaction facilitated by IgM or IgG antibiotics, reaction facilitated by immune complexes, and delayed-reaction interceded by cellular reaction (Abbas et al., 2023). When a body gets anaphylactic shock, the immune system