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How to Weigh Evidence is Essential for Any Healthcare Professional

Essay Instructions:

The next step in the research process is immersing oneself in the empirical literature on your research topic to determine the extent to which your research question (identified in Module 1) has been addressed. To this end, please use the Trident University Online Library to conduct a literature search on your research topic. Remember, your goal is to discover the extent to which a knowledge gap exists with regard to your specific research question.

Your task for this assignment is to:

Locate five peer-reviewed journal articles that present studies relevant to your topic, and synthesize these in an evidence table. Go to: Evidence Table for more details on what this table should contain.

Based on your evidence table, address the following questions in 1-2 pages:

What are the gaps in the available qualitative and quantitative data about your selected research topic/question?

Which study design is most appropriate to address your research question and test your hypothesis?

What are the components of this study design? You may describe using a diagram.

Would this design be considered experimental or observational? Why?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the study design you selected?

To what types of bias/threat is this study design most vulnerable? Please explain.

Length: 4 pages typed, double-spaced.

SLP Assignment Expectation

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How to Weigh Evidence is Essential for Any Healthcare Professional Reflection Paper – Obesity and Diabetes Understanding how to weigh evidence is essential for any healthcare professional. It allows him to determine the veracity, applicability, and feasibility of previous studies done on the subject matter. In line with this, this article will focus on the specific pieces of evidence about the subject matter of Obesity and Diabetes. This would include a summary of the pieces of evidence collected and a reflection on the findings after conducting research. 
Summary and Analysis
The evidence collection process done by the author revealed that the topic of obesity and diabetes is still a broad subject. Notably, most of the studies include other illnesses in their focus either as a cause, risk factor, result, or co-morbidity as obesity leads to the development of diabetes. Generally, this only shows that despite the thousands of researches done on the subject matter, there is still a lot to be uncovered through further studies. 
Nonetheless, one of the available gaps that the author found while conducting research on the subject matter is the conclusive analysis of the complex interaction between obesity, diabetes, and new illnesses like the SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19. This gap was illustrated and recommended for further studies by several authors, including Zhou et al. (2020), Kruglikov et al. (2020), and Shah et al. (2021). Nonetheless, both the systematic reviews and meta-analysis conducted in this research show that several studies are already on the way to examining this complex interaction between the two kinds of illnesses. 
Nonetheless, a reading of the evidence cited showed that one of the most relevant studies to answer the author’s research question is the one written by Shah et al. (2021), which focuses on hypertension, obesity, and other risk factors associated with the disease. The authors used the following diagram to study the complex and dynamic interaction between the illnesses and to outline their study analysis as well. 
           The author believes this study is the best fit for this research question because he aims to study the changes in treatment protocols (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological) in terms of obesity and diabetes. ...
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