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How Health Informatics can be Used to Influence Nursing Care

Essay Instructions:

Task instructions

Write a formal academic essay that presents how health informatics can be used to influence nursing care.

Within your essay you need to present two papers that are examples of health informatics research that have changed nursing care and critically appraise the strengths and weaknesses of that research.

Include an introduction and conclusion.

Always use medical/scientific terminology

Please avoid using tables, dot points, graphics or appendices in this essay.

Use Australian references

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Healthcare Informatics Influence on Nursing Care
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Healthcare Informatics Influence on Nursing Care
Health information management, or healthcare informatics, is the study of how data is collected, stored, and retrieved in healthcare delivery. Modern healthcare institutions and life science companies have the hardware and software to store and process massive volumes of sensitive data safely. The findings may be used to maintain peak performance in infrastructure and direct decision-makers toward sustainable enhancements (Sensmeier et al., 2019). An organization's compliance with all applicable privacy legislation and standards may be ensured, and healthcare can be coordinated across numerous experts, thanks to the work of healthcare informaticists. However, various forms of quantitative knowledge and multiple ways of organizing, analysis, and visualization may be most beneficial for the different roles that keep a healthcare institution working, from physicians to administrators (Aquino, 2022). Preliminary studies show that HIT has the potential to enhance NH quality indices, resident outcomes (such as ambulation in bed, range of motion, and ability to perform ADLs), and clinical support (by decreasing the occurrence of adverse drug events and increasing the detection of medication errors) (Ko et al., 2018). A recent survey of IT in nursing homes found that while it is becoming increasingly common in resident care functions like bed availability and release management, it is still being adopted at a slower rate for diagnostic support functions like documenting vital signs, accident investigation, and medication administration (Booth et al., 2021). Additionally, preliminary results from that evaluation indicate that HIT's existing capabilities surpass its application. the articles used in the research include; Ko, M., Wagner, L., & Spetz, J. (2018). Nursing home implementation of health information technology: A literature review finds inadequate investment in preparation, infrastructure, and training Influence of Healthcare Informatics on Nursing Care Superior Results for Patients and Durkin, M., Gurbutt, R., & Carson, J. (2022). Effectiveness of an online short compassion strengths course on nursing students compassion: A mixed methods non-randomized pilot study. Nurse Education Today, 111, 105315.
Influence of Healthcare Informatics on Nursing Care
Superior Results for Patients
Electronic health records that are both accurate and comprehensive are essential to providing top-notch care (Hwang & Williams, 2022). Informaticians ensure that facilities have the resources to keep detailed records on each patient's health and medical history by privacy laws. Nurses may access comprehensive biometric and medication information via digital links, allowing them to organize treatments more effectively and exchange significant results across departments (Jedwab et al., 2019). The nursing staff may utilize informatics solutions to quickly and accurately identify patients at high risk for severe diseases and take preventative measures before it's too late. Medical mistakes can be prevented thanks to automated warnings that notify doctors and nurses of possible threats, such as a patient's allergies or dangerous drug interactions (Bhatt & Chakraborty, 2021).
Efficient Clinical Process
The transition from fee-for-service to value-based treatment has been a long-term goal in the health sector. Using informatics, we may provide more methodical, evidence-based therapy that reduces the likelihood of invasive or costly procedures (Moore et al., 2020). Leaders may create and enforce guiding principles while catering to patients' unique requirements by poring through statistics. Standardizing care and cutting waste are two of the main goals of clinical decision support systems. They do so effectively by utilizing information from electronic records and pervasive medical devices (Brewwer et al., 2020). Specialists use these applications in the field of information science to evaluate patient data and provide actionable insights, such as therapeutic guidelines. A decision support system might facilitate diagnosis and suggest therapeutically-relevant reminders.
Advances in Telehealth
The COVID-19 pandemic's introduction of social isolation underscores the need for ready access to high-quality healthcare in one's community. The recent progress toward broader use of telemedicine equipment and techniques (Zhao et al., 2020). In the article's opinion, the increasing use of digital sensors to monitor patients' states indicates a sea change in how nurses and hospitals record illnesses, motivate patients to stick to their treatments, and head off potential disasters (Jin et al., 2020). The use of digital monitoring apps is becoming increasingly common. In light of this, the College of Nursing and Public Health at Adelphi places a premium on telehealth education (Kinnunen et al., 2019). The Smart Home for Home Healthcare Lab was set up to give healthcare professionals practical experience with cutting-edge technology for patient monitoring in settings other than hospitals and clinics. Scientists research with various sensing, telepresence visits, and apps to learn about someone's health from afar.
Improved Documentation
Informatics has had an even more significant effect on documentation than any other facet of nursing. It was always an essential part of nursing, but modern tools have made it more accessible. Electronic documentation streamlines the collection and retrieval of patient information (Gesner et al., 2019). To a large extent, this is handled mechanically by networked devices, which simultaneously collect and disseminate patient data. This aid nurses in making educated choices on care modifications. Medication mistakes are one type of error that may be reduced with the use of informatics (Kumari, 2019). When information needs to be transferred between departments, the risk of vital details becoming lost is reduced when documents are kept electronically.
As a bonus, it can assist in streamlining the complex procedure of hospital discharge, which requires information from many different departments (including physicians, therapists, the billing office, the pharmacy, and more). Failure to properly collect this data might have devastating consequences after the patient is back in their own home (Karp et al., 2019). For instance, patients who fail to follow essential instructions may jeopardize their health. All the data is available...
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