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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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How ARGO Works

Essay Instructions:

1. Using your research skills, you will write at least 150 words discussing EACH the following concepts as found in ARGO. This may include instructions on how to complete the action and also what the purpose and function actually means.

A. Enterprise Master Patient Index Operations

B. Account Access and Setup

C. Registering a Patient

D. Functions of Entity Match & Resolution

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How ARGO works
Enterprise Master Patient Index Operations
According to research, analyzing duplicate records is expensive and results in repeated tests, delays in treatment, and bulky work while correcting the records. Besides, duplicate records cause slow collection phases caused by incomplete and incorrect claims. The ARGO Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) comes to the rescue by incorporating biometric authentication that gives a system capable of real-time identification, accurate linking, and proper resolution of information present in different sources of systems (Falk, 2019). The ARGO Enterprise Master Patient Index is a cost-effective and flexible high tech probabilistic matching algorithm that maintains and establishes identifiers and unique records not accessible quickly in a firm. A robust Enterprise Master Patient Index solution achieves Interoperability via consistent patient records across healthcare systems. Interoperability in healthcare systems advances a firm's patient care by displaying a clear and precise view to caregivers regarding patient records.
Account Access and Setup
Most organizations and hospitals are transitioning from paperwork to electronic health records (EHRs). Electronic health records have proven to be very efficient and fast for document treatment decisions, storage, and review of patient records and order clinical medications. Digital records can raise efficiency and offer medical workers and patients complete and competent information regarding significant decisions. Nevertheless, unauthorized aces to system accounts and set up can alter these records obstructing information flow. ARGO uses this concept challenge to build algorithms that minimize loopholes in the system that might be subject to unauthorized access. Account Access and Setup are controlled via authentication before authorization features, including passwords, face recognition systems, and fingerprint authentication. Research has shown that unauthorized account access can turn out to be catastrophic. For instance, there are reported cases where unauthorized individuals infected healthcare systems with viruses that altered merged records. Such devastating events are dangerous to patients' health and can cause harm to them.
Registering a Patient
Registering a patient is a crucial part...
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