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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Randomized Control Trial and its Effectiveness

Essay Instructions:

Select a research article, other than the articles from your assignments, from the GCU library. Provide an overview of the study and describe the strategy that was used to select the sample from the population. Evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling method selected. Provide support for your answer. Include the article title and permalink in your post.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Selected article: Utens, C. M., van Schayck, O. C., Goossens, L. M., Rutten-van Mölken, M. P., DeMunck, D. R., Seezink, W., ... & Smeenk, F. W. (2014). Informal caregiver strain, preference and satisfaction in hospital-at-home and usual hospital care for COPD exacerbations: results of a randomised controlled trial. International journal of nursing studies, 51(8), 1093-1102.
Permalink: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24486163/
Overview of the article
The article “Informal caregiver strain, preference and satisfaction in hospital-at-home and usual hospital care for COPD exacerbations: results of a randomised controlled trial” investigates informal caregiver strain and preferences for place of treatment and which factors influence those preferences. The article’s objective was based on the notion that informal caregiver preferences play an important role if there is no clear difference in the effectiveness of normal hospital care and home-based care. The findings of the article reveal that hospital care and home-based care programs have a similar degree of effectiveness. As a result, the article supports the application of home-based care in the treatment of COPD exacerbations.
Sampling strategy
The study is a randomized control trial and occurred between November 2007 and March 201...
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