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Homework 8: Has Eating Been Personal For You?

Essay Instructions:

Read Kessler text: Chapters 43 through 45
Watch: The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes and Sugar: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=CWnbMnnLo5w
Answer the following questions:
To what extent:
1.    Has eating been personal for you?
2.    Have you been able to, or think you will be able to, craft your own rules regarding eating that are rooted in your own needs and wants in order to regain control over your eating habits?
3.    Have you, or can you, identify the kinds of strategies that will work for you?
4.    Have you been able, or will you be able, to make the critical perceptual shift or paradigm shift regarding hyperpalatable food?
NOW, Read Kessler text: Chapters 46 through A Final Word
Watch: The Skinny on Obesity (Extra): Diet and Lifestyle Tips: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=wKkBs pBRwA
Consider: According to Kessler (2009:241), one executive stated that “Everything that has made us successful as a company is the problem.” Kessler (2009:241) also notes that “...to their credit, they began to rethink their strategies about labeling and portion size.” Answer the following questions:
To what extent:
5.    Do you think the food industry overall has made, or will make, a critical perceptual shift regarding hyperpalatable food?
6.    Do you think they have been, or will be, successful in making such a shift?
7.    Have you begun to fight back on an individual level and against the food industry?
8.    Do you plan on fighting back on an individual level and against the food industry?
9.    Lastly, how have you, or will you, fight back on an individual level and against the food industry?

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Homework 8
Student’s Name
Homework 8
Question 1
Eating has been personal to me. There are many food types that I do not like, and although some are healthy, it is hard to integrate them into my eating plans. I thus try as much as I can cook and consume the foods I like which are also healthy. In addition, if I want to avoid eating certain types of food, it has to come from me; I have to decide personally that certain food is not good for my health and I have to stop or reduce its consumption.
Question 2
I have been able to determine the foods that I find tasty and healthy at the same time and have them in my eating plans. Having a timetable is one of the things that have helped me eat the types of food I consider tasty and important for my health. With a timetable, I am able to follow it strictly, meaning I try as much as possible to avoid the types of food that I have considered not good for me. As such, it is like I have rules that help me avoid certain food types.
Question 3
Having a strategy is an important step towards adopting healthy eating behaviors as shown by Kessler (2009). A strategy that works for me is taking a heavy breakfast and taking small portions of subsequent meals of the day. In addition, my snacks are fruits, either a banana or an apple. With the regular drinking of water, I think I am doing something recommended by many food researchers.
Question 4
I have not been able to completely make that important perpetual shift regarding hyperpalatable food. As much as I adopt healthy eating behaviors, keeping it consistent in the long run has been a problem. However, I believe I will be able to do so. After viewing the Youtube video by UCTV Prime (2012), I got to understand that bad eating habit affects both the society an...
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