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Homework 5 PT2 Assignment Paper: The Food Industry

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The Food Industry
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The Food Industry
I believe that the food industry has successfully managed to manipulate not only me but also many people globally by making them food irresistible. The food industry intentionally produces foods that are irresistible to the target consumers. It is because of this reason that most people believe that the industry should be held to account for the increase in obesity in the country. Obesity has already been classified by the government and the American Nurses Association as a disease (Van Grouw, & Volpe, 2013).
As for the Americanization of the world’s cuisine, I have had an experience of it. Foods are becoming more fun and convenient for the average American especially in the development of snacks.
The Americanization has also affected myself in that I now find food more attractive than before and hence my eating habits have been affected. Initially, I would rarely take snacks and when I did, it was once or twice a day. Today each time I walk into a shopping mall or convenient store I must buy a snack.
The food manufacturing process has also affected me. Companies have ensured that they have total control over the food processing process. Traditionally salt, sugar, and salts were used and added in excess to make food sweet, but lately, they have turned to chemical flavoring to make foods sweeter. The chemical flavoring initially started as a method of prolonging the shelf life of foods, but over the years they have discovered that it can be used to enhance sweetness (The food industry, part II, 2016). According to a recently concluded research, the food industry is now trying to convince consumers that the chemicals added to the foods are healthy. The addition of these chemicals is also contributing to the rise in obesity.
The food industry has realized the power that the media has and for this reason embarked on heavy campaigns that not only promote bad eating behavior but also irresistibly present the foods. When watching television today, it is most likely that most of the advertisement that one will see are food related (Wallace, 2014). Companies for instance coca cola have realized that advertising reaches masses and promotes their goods, so they have developed international advertisements that are meant to attract more customers.
The food industry focuses on the creation of purple cow products. These are products that consumers consider remarkable. These are mainly the snacks that are likable by everybody maybe because of their flavor intensity, texture dynamics or mass dynamics.
I would not classify my eating habits as dangerous, but there has been a change in my eating habits. As earlier stated I buy one or two snacks each time I visit a convenient store or mall but the truth is I rarely finish the package as most of the times am almost full and just want a bite of something.
The food industry needs to be regulated such that several health boards are involved in the manufacturing process. They should dictate the a...
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