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4 Homework Assignment 3 About The Skinny On Obesity

Essay Instructions:

Read the following:
Kessler text: Chapters 7 through 13 Module Notes: This is Your Brain on Food
Watch the following videos/video clips:
•    The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 4): Sugar - A Sweet Addiction https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Xn1cI8FNU6M
•    The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 3): Hunger and Hormones - A Vicious Cycle https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=Yo3TRbkIrow
Now, answer the following questions ensure to enumerate them:
1.    Berridge hypothesized that "only a subset of the population has heightened incentive salience, and that rewarding foods trigger overeating primarily in that group. Define and explain the concept, "heightened incentive salience”
2.    Explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with Berridge’s hypothesis.
3.    Explain why you agree or disagree with it.
4.    To what extent do you agree with the idea that people act/react/behave according to their own "action schemata” with regard to food?
5.    To what extent do you agree with the idea that habits are "by their very nature difficult to break” (Kessler, 2009, p. 63), especially with regard to eating habits?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

According to the hypothesis that was brought forward by Berridge, there is a specific population that is affected by Incentive Salience. In theory, the incentive salience refers to the desire that some people develop where they get cues activated with a prediction of reward. Ideally, it is not something that one is born with but rather a learned aspect (Kessler text: Chapters 7 through 13, n.d.). This is to mean that, people learn to like certain foods although this is largely associated with want rather than liking. As such, people with incentive salience for certain foods, they will always get a craving to seek these foods even though they do not necessarily need them or even like them (Module Notes, n.d.).
The incentive salience cues tend to be very strong. They push the person to crave what it is that the cues trigger. It is significantly agreeable that the incentive salience concept is one that can be used to explain why some people tend to eat certain foods even though they do not like them.
A better analysis of this concept can be explained by the cues that the person is drawn to. Ideally, a smoker may be triggered to want to take a cigarette by the simple sound of a clicking lighter. The clinking of ice cubes in a glass can easily trigger someone to have drink (Kessler text: Chapters 7 through 13, n.d.). These are cues that have the power to force someone to take action that they are not comfortable with. This is an aspect that is also associated with forming habits. Where one has a habit of eating certain junk food which could have negative impacts on their health, their cue could simply, see...
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