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Homebirths for Mothers Health and Wellbeing

Essay Instructions:

Sometimes the most difficult part of writing a research paper is just getting it started. Contained in this packet, you will find a list of six steps that will aid you in the research paper writing process. You may develop your own steps or procedures as you progress in your writing career; these steps are just to help you begin.

Step 1: Understand the Assignment and Set a Schedule One of the biggest problems students have when beginning a research paper is that they don’t understand the assignment. Make sure that if you have any questions, you ask the professor, other students or come into the Writing Center. Some specific details you should know are: • How long the paper has to be (pages, number of words) • The type of citation preferred by the professor • Number and types of sources that are allowed (websites, books, articles) • Whether specific aspects of the paper have different due dates or is it due in full on a specific date. • Other formatting details (footnotes, subtitles, heading, double-spacing) • Set a schedule according to the due dates and how long it will take you to complete each task. (Day-by-day, week-by-week)

Step 2: Finding a Topic and Question Once you have figured out what the assignment is about, it is time to choose a specific topic or question to research. Some things to consider when choosing a topic: • Is this topic appropriate? – You may want to have the professor approve it. • Narrow the focus of your paper. (try to make it as specific as possible) • Choose a topic that not only interests you but will also be interesting to the reader. • You may want to choose a question that your paper will answer. That way, when you are researching, you are looking for something specific. •


P. Mehta/Supplemental Syllabus – Health Promotion/2021/Spring 2021

The answer that you find to this question may ultimately become your thesis statement. Example: Topic - Pay equality in the workforce. Question- Do women still get paid less than men do for completing the same amount of work? Thesis - Women get paid less than men in certain jobs.

Step 3: Begin Research After you have decided the direction you want to take for the paper, it will now be time to begin researching the topic. NOTE: Just because you have chosen a topic and question does not mean you have to stick with that one for the rest of the paper! After you have started researching, you may find information that makes you want to change your focus. It is fine if you change your question, but make sure your paper answers the new question and not the old one. Some things to keep in mind when researching: • Make sure you use a wide variety of sources (Internet, books, journals, video, interviews, etc.) • Allow yourself enough time to research. This will be the most intensive part of the paper. Allow at least two hours per researching session. • Keep records and copies of all of the information you obtain. Get all of the bibliographical information while you are researching so you do not have to go back. Make sure you also note where you found the information in case you have to retrieve it later. o Such information includes:  Title of the article or book  Date it was published or copy written  Author(s) and publishing company  Pages used • Try to put information into your own words. It is helpful to paraphrase the information in your own words while taking notes to avoid plagiarism later. If you do take quotes directly from the source, make sure you make a note of that. Six Simple Steps for Writing a Research Paper • You should also be making notes about specific conclusions drawn from the material. • Look specifically for details that support your thesis or question. Sometimes background information is also necessary.

Step 4: Construct an Outline Once you have collected all of the research, it may be helpful to organize your thoughts with an outline. To construct an outline, you must group your notes and match information that fits together. An outline should be formatted in this manner: I. Introduction (Thesis Statement) II. Main heading/idea of paragraph #1 a. Supporting detail 1 b and supporting detail 2 c. Supporting detail 3 III. Main heading/idea of paragraph #2 a. Supporting detail 1 b and supporting detail 2 c. Supporting detail 3 IV. Main heading/idea of paragraph #3 a. Supporting detail 1 b and supporting detail 2 c. Supporting detail 3 V. Conclusion Try to ensure that each paragraph contains approximately the same amount of information. Depending upon how organized your outline is, you should write your paper directly from the information in your outline.

Step 5: Write a Draft Now that you have organized your research material, the next step will be writing the first draft. Remember that you will write multiple drafts, so do not put excessive pressure on the first one. Some things to keep in mind when writing a draft: • Try to write with your voice. Don’t just spit out researched information. Add your conclusions and thoughts. • Remember to cite your sources when you use them, even in a draft. • Try to keep your information as organized as possible. That will help the reader understand what you are trying to say. • Once you have written a draft, proofread it! Have a peer respond to it or bring it to the Writing Center to have a tutor help you with it.

Step 6: Write a Final Draft After you have revised your initial drafts, you should compose a final draft. This draft should have very few errors, have a clear organization, and be formatted correctly. Before you hand in your paper, you should make sure you have the following elements: 1) A cover page stating the course information, the title of your paper, and your name. 2) The final, revised copy of your paper with any formatting necessary (Footnotes, page numbers, citations, etc.). 3) A works cited page listing the bibliographical information for each of your sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Homebirths for Mothers Health and Wellbeing
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Institutional Affiliation
Homebirths for Mothers Health and Wellbeing
Homebirth refers to delivery that takes place in a residence rather than a birthing center or hospital. In such a case, an experienced attendant or midwife attends to the mothers to enhance their well-being and that of the child. In some instances, women with access to a healthcare facility might choose home birth because of the intimacy of a family-centered experience and avoid the numerous risks associated with non-hospital births. Therefore, midwives play a significant role in healthcare delivery that most people fail to recognize. In midwifery practices, one of the key focus areas is acknowledging the importance of effective public health strategies. Over the years, midwives have adopted a range of health guidelines to improve positive maternal outcomes
Midwives provide critical public health interventions regularly, thus managing a significant contribution towards infant health. During the first pregnancy visit, midwives consider the various health promotion measures, including dietary modifications, to ensure that they receive the proper nutrients (Zielinski et al., 2015). Besides, the midwives recommend lifestyle changes such as alcohol and smoking cessation in protecting the developing fetus. Therefore, homebirth has emerged as an effective practice in enhancing the well-being of both the mother and child. In most instances, they adopt a health promotion approach to address mothers’ healthcare needs during and after birth. For this reason, all homebirth attendants ought to be conversant with measures of maternal and infant health.
The number of women who opt for home birth has remained low due to the numerous related complications. However, statistics indicate that women across the United States have adopted the new strategy and would even prefer homebirth if it would be readily available. Supporters of homebirth argue that lower rates of instrumental vaginal birth and cesarean sections are the notable benefits of homebirth. Women who have a planned home birth have a higher level of satisfaction related to having control and a comfortable environment. Statistics indicate positive outcomes that relate to planned birth.
Notably, hospital births are the cultural norm in most developed countries since choosing the place to give birth is not a key consideration. However, the parameters of the area to give birth vary from one country to the other. In the United States, the women who are likely to have planned homebirths are likely to be married white and not having their first baby. Besides, such women are likely not to work within the household setting. Women with a planned homebirth are likely to have fewer interventions, including labor induction and operative vaginal delivery. The women who choose to give birth at home are less likely to have medical complications than counterparts who give birth in hospitals. The safety of homebirths is a crucial concern that midwives should consider that depends on giving birth. In the United States and other countries, there lacks a consistent mechanism of home birth attendants consulting or transferring their care during labor and pregnancy.
Uniform guidelines are fundamental components of safe homebirths across the United States and other parts of the world. Following the implementation of the guidelines leads to positive outcomes of homebirths, just like in hospitalized birth settings. However, women with health complications such as multiple births can be more likely to fall victims to maternal morbidity and mortality. For that reason, most countries have guidelines that require midwives to offer homebirths to only low-risk women. Notably, the use of guidelines is the most critical aspect of enhancing the safety of homebirths while enhancing the well-being of both the mother and the child.
Besides, homebirths are more cost-efficient as compared to births in hospital settings. In the United States, vaginal births are associated with lower costs in home-birth settings than in healthcare facilities. In such a case, women from low-income backgrounds can access affordable maternal services without any form of associated complications. One of the critical concerns in rendering maternal services is creating a balance between costs, risks, and care provision in all settings. However, women should consider the full range of available options for maternal care, which includes hospitals, birth centers, and homes. Policymakers and healthcare providers alike have concerns about the ideal place that women should give birth in support of women’s safety.
The need to increase the choices of pregnant women regarding birth has been a health priority that informs the development of health services across the United States and other parts of the world. Although most countries lacked enough evidence on the safety of homebirths, most countries have adopted the setting based on the adoption of practical guidelines of expediting positive outcomes in healthcare delivery. According to Baron et al. (2017), supporters of homebirths have criticized the arguments that homebirths are less safe than hospital-setting births. Midwives, women groups, and obstetricians have a political divide on promoting women’s natural delivery and safety. The hierarc...
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