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History Trend and the State of Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

History trend and state healthcare

There have been many issues regarding the need to reform the financing and payment systems of health care. Many different ideas have been tried and have failed.

1. How would you design a better health care system for the U.S. population?

2. Who would control the health care decisions?

3. Would everyone be required to join?

4. Who would control the costs of care?

5. If the government provided the care, would malpractice lawsuits increase?

6. What impact has health care reform had on the way you receive care for yourself or your family members?

Please elaborate more on question number 6. ( single mom with 2 kids , workplace offer 1/2 insurance cost)

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History Trend and the State of Healthcare
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History Trend and the State of Healthcare
The health care reforms are generalized rubrics to discuss the developments and alterations in important health care policies and legislations. This essay aims to discuss the way of possible improvement in the health care system, authorities that control health care decisions, cost of care, and extent of malpractice lawsuits in care of care provision by government.
Better Healthcare System
The US health care system can be improved by encouraging coordination among the stakeholders, as well as preferring the prevention of infectious and chronic diseases. This can be achieved by providing flexibility to the health care personnel for innovations in treating their patients.
Healthcare Decisions
According to the modern health care system, health care decisions are usually made either by doctors or insurance companies.
Joining Justification
The provision of health care delivery is based on team work. Therefore, it requires every stakeholder to provide improved health care delivery, including doctors, patients, and insurance companies.
Cost Control
Although the US Government has taken potential decisions for constraining the expenditure of health care services, there are some stakeholders who would control its cost (Burwell, 2016). For example, patients, private insurers, and employers.
Government and Malpractice Lawsuit
There will be an increased possibility of malpractice lawsuits cases if the care is provided by the government (Johnson, 2015). According to the Washington Post, there is around 0.3 percent probability of facing malpractice allegation on every $40,000 hospitalization cost.
The health care reforms are usually governmental policies which influence the delivery of health care facilities in a particular region. However, the adequate relationship among the stakeholders may result in improved health care outcomes as well as the reduced cost of health facilities.
Burwell, S. M. (2016). Building A System That Works: The Future Of Health Care. ...
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