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High-Risk Nutrition Behaviors on Different Cultures

Essay Instructions:

Examine the high-risk nutritional behaviors associated with different cultures. Identify the historical perspectives, belief systems, and other factors associated with these high-risk nutritional behaviors for each culture. Write a 1,500-3,000 word paper on your findings in which you accomplish the following:

Summarize the high risk-nutritional behaviors practiced among 10 different cultures.

Discuss the historical perspectives and belief systems of these cultures that influence the high-risk nutritional behaviors.

Explore additional influencing factors on high-risk behaviors for each culture. These may include, but are not limited to (a) education, (b) family roles, (c) spiritual beliefs, (d) health care practices, and (e) drug and alcohol use.

This paper requires minimum of six outside resources in addition to the textbook, properly documented using APA guidelines.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

High Risk Nutrition Practices
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High Risk Nutrition Practices
A culture has direct effect when it concerns the different species of foods, the eating habits and the combination. Individual who are among the members of a coworker group or a community? For example, the teenagers who are in adolescence age are profoundly influenced by peer pressure. A seventeen-year-old boy who starts smoking and drinking due to peer influence by the fellow team players of a football game where they meet every day during practice time.
Another case is where let’s say parents are the vegetarian type, their kids end up being vegan following the footsteps of their parents. High-risk nutritional behaviors can be regarded merely as the dietary activities that different people in different communities undertake while fulfilling their dietary needs. Mostly these practices end up being harmful to their bodies (Mathers, J. C. 2015).
When people tend to be more competent and consistent to the adaptation of care with their culture that finally leads to a process which is conscious and nonlinear. Furthermore, the diverse United States community are the aesthetic competent health practitioners.
In this extract, several groups are necessary to thoroughly explore all the cultural groups leading with high-risk dietary behavior in their communities. Different aspects of culture like those food storage and their preparation are high risk dietary behavior. These are what interfere with the eating patterns of an individual. As the nutritional impact on healthy living, many people in different societies have always been interested in knowing about other cultures’ nutritional practices. Currently, high-risk nutritional behaviors are also associated with the bearing of children topic where they end up being more exciting and fruitful to many as they get the opportunities of gaining more knowledge about the selected cultures’ nutritional behaviors. The selected cultures for discussion include Cuban, Hmong, African, Hindu, American, Amish, Mexican, German, Puerto Rican and Hindu.
African Culture
Many different cultures are associated with the African cultural practices and beliefs. Many of these beliefs and methods end up jeopardizing the people nutritional affairs. The smoking behavior is the common lead found in African American when appeared differently as compared to their American and European counterparts. According to the U.S. Branch of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics (2010) 24% of African American men and 16% of African American women who are 19 years and over smoke. Taking of liquor and being enjoyed the inactive life and in the meantime treatment delay is the most well-known hazardous conduct in the wellbeing field. There is a run of the mill trust in African American that there ought to be an extra weight in the body of a man if any affliction ambushes a man. A man with a flawless weight is regarded not being strong a great part of the time. Cardiovascular illness is the thing that numerous African Americans are in danger because of heftiness. IN Africa there is broad absence of learning and all the more so numbness in the insufficiencies identified with nourishment. Calcium is a typical inadequacy in this locales, in their eating routine. Pregnancy ladies have this hankering the pica where they need to have the cleansers, earth and mud, such things are nonnutritive. In African American ordinary there is this high acumen that the women with this kind of desires will experience a trademark work. The outlook of the Black Americans are more in regular; the care they receive from God makes them not care about their eating habits.
Amish culture
The Amish culture risks high degree of hazard due to their high fat and sugar consumption rates. They furthermore devour a high measure of the refined sugar. Additionally there is a high utilization of liquor as contrasted and their past life. This has deteriorated due to the Amish belief that alcohol made their forefathers provide well-sought judgment in the communities' affairs (Camacho, S. 2015). This Amish belief has been passed from generations to generations thus bringing up this current pandemic which is risky for these young alcohol users.
American Culture
The USA department of agriculture have reported a high fats and cholesterol which is low in fiber as the most thins taken by the American people.
In this particular culture, the Americans perceive the concept that time should not be wasted in food preparation has made people get accustomed to the MacDonalds instead of the salads. This is evident in the most individuals who poses the socioeconomic status (Amendola 2010). In their get together, Americans opt to drink wine or drinks during their weekends. This puts them at risk since alcohol is a harmful effect on their health.
Cuban Culture
Weight, cardiovascular illness, Hypertension are a typical ailment in Cuban Culture. Conventional Cuban nourishment was high wealthy in starch, sugar and fats these undesirable dietary examples incline Cuban individuals to stoutness and related malady. One of the fundamental impediments in solid nourishment in Cuban individuals is the idea of sound body. In Cuba largeness and fat is viewed as a solid body. Smoking and liquor addiction are regular ...
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