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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Healthcare Systems in the United States of America, Germany, and Canada

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It is a formative pre-assessment. Please use a table format to depict the similarities and differences between the 3 countries (U.S, GERMANY, CANADA).


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Healthcare Systems
According to the World Health Organization (2021), a healthcare system is composed of people, organizations, institutions, and resources that work together to meet the health requirements of the individuals who use it. There are numerous healthcare systems throughout the world. They are created to address the needs and diversity of a specific geographical location. Healthcare systems worldwide share similarities in that their primary goal is to provide wellness to their people; however, they also differ due to technology, resources, culture, and people’s needs. Furthermore, all healthcare systems are constantly evolving because the world is currently in the fourth industrial revolution, in which humans must collaborate with technology (Ćwiklicki, 2020). The healthcare systems of the three highly industrialized countries, the United States of America, Germany, and Canada, are highlighted in the table below. The table will show the differences and similarities between the healthcare systems of the three countries.
Table 1
Healthcare Systems of the United States of America, Germany, and Canada

The three countries’ healthcare system is supported and funded by the government (Blümel et al., 2020; Jindal & Overton, 2021; Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).

The three countries’ healthcare systems play a significant role in their economies (Blümel et al., 2020; Jindal & Overton, 2021; Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).

Healthcare systems are constantly being improved to meet the population’s complex demands, provide high-quality healthcare services, and broaden the availability of health care (Blümel et al., 2020; Jindal & Overton, 2021; Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).


Compared to the two countries, the United States allocates its healthcare system’s most significant funds (Jindal & Overton, 2020).

Canadians and Germans live longer lives and have lower infant mortality rates than Americans (Blümel et al., 2020; Jindal & Overton, 2021; Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).

The Canadian healthcare system has cheaper costs, more services, universal access to healthcare without financial constraints, and high-quality health outcomes (Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).

The citizens of Canada and Germany believe that there must be a slight modification to their health system; however, the citizens of the United States believe that there must be a significant modification in the health system (Blümel et al., 2020; Jindal & Overton, 2021; Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).

More citizens in the United States are dissatisfied with their healthcare system (LiPuma & Robichaud, 2020). Meanwhile, fewer citizens in Canada and Germany are dissatisfied compared to the U.S. (Blümel et al., 2020; Jindal & Overton, 2021; Samuelson-Kiraly, 2020).

The table shows that the three countries healthcare systems have significant similarities and differences. To summarize, the government funds all three countries’ healthcare systems. The government creates laws, funds, and supports healthcare systems. Furthermore, their healthcare systems have an impact on the economy. More healthy people mean they can positively contribute to the human workforce and increase their productivity. If, on the other hand, more people fall ill, the economy may suffer. Thus, health...
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