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Healthcare Policy

Essay Instructions:
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has mandated that organizations have policies in place by January 2009 for codes of conduct for employees. Evaluate the Sentinel Event Alert article above and write a paper describing the policy. Include: 1. Sentinel Event description. 2. Purpose for event reporting. 3. What authority does The Joint Commission have to make such a mandate? 4. What happens to a facility that does not comply? 5. If you work for an organization, even it is not health care, is there a code of conduct policy in place? 6. Do you know about it? 7. Have you been oriented on the policy? If so, has anyone had to report an incident?
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Healthcare Policy
In today`s society, the high expectations and pressure that characterize many a work environment can at times cause co-workers to lose their cool. Rudeness can escalate into disruptive and intimidating behavior that has negative effects on the work environment. In the healthcare sector, the Joint Commission has taken cognizance that these kinds of behaviors- condensing attitudes, verbal outbursts, absconding duties, refusal to cooperate brings about lack of cohesion, teamwork and collaboration necessary to deliver quality health care to patients. Further, the Joint Commission has recognized that these behavior that are disruptive, can cause medical blunders and bring about serious preventive outcomes, and in effect increase the cost of healthcare.
In a move to tackle this, the Joint Commission come up with new standards that mandate accredited healthcare organizations to adopt a code of conduct that seeks to address all kinds of disruptive and harassing behaviors, besides the other conducts that are classified as illegal in the work place. These standards which were effective in January 1, 2009, gave an ultimatum to all organizations to define what is acceptable, and what inappropriate behavior is. For the code of conduct to be implemented successfully, the Joint Commission made certain recommendation (Iyer et al 2006).
The health policy requires all employees to be educated about the required professional behavior, as well as being made to appreciate what business etiquette entails and general people skills. It also made a proposal that to have all employees take responsibility for fostering desirable behaviors, and to be consistent and fair in implementing the code of conduct. It also requires that there be a holist...
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