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Healthcare Management: Major Problems and Secondary Issues

Essay Instructions:

Week 5 Case Assignment
Complete the case study below: using Textbook: Introduction Healthcare Management by Sharon B. Buchbinder and Nancy H. Shanks
Building a Better MIS Trap pg. 377
Use the case study write up format to answer the following questions
Case Study Questions
1. What law is being violated by the employees at this health services organization?
2. Why was this law enacted?
3. What are the penalties for violating this law?
4. If an employee shares confidential medical information about a celebrity and is caught, what should the penalty be?
5. Do you think you should be updating your resume and looking for a new job?
Case Study Write-up
Background Statement
Major Problems and Secondary Issues
Your Role
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
Alternatives and Recommended Solutions
Submit your case in APA 6th edition format with no less than 3 peer reviewed references

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Background Statement
The subject in question here is a big firm in Florida, Health Service Organization. It is well equipped and is renowned for its HIV-AIDS treatment wing. HSO has had a good name till lately when the privacy of more than 4000 HIV patients was leaked. The board places the blame on me as the CEO and even demands for my resignation. I, however, manage to convince them to spare e as I work o fixing the faulty MIS. I am therefore in a dilemma, to either fix it or get the sack (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2011).
Major Problems and Secondary Issues
The main issue here is the malfunction in the MIS, which resulted in the leakage. The organization’s database can be accessed by virtually everyone. This means that even the sensitive bits of information can be reached by anyone. The other issue is the carelessness of the members of staff, including the doctors, who tend to forget the basic elements of data and information security, which includes passwords and other codes. They leave the access codes written in open places, such as notes and don't change these passwords regularly. The change of passwords is supposed to be an important part of what entails data integrity (Talabis & Martin, 2012). In the MIS, there is no authentication process for ensuring that only authorized members are allowed access. This makes the MIS a great compromise, which has resulted in the leakage of the information to the more than 4000 HIV patients, and the subsequent violation of the Patient Privacy law of 1996.This law was enacted to safeguard the information and hence privacy of patients.
Your Role
I am playing the role of HSO CEO.My job now is to ensure that the flaw in the MIS is completely fixed, while I also do the damage control after the information leakage. With the authority vested in me, I am to ensure that the cause of the leakage is u...
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