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Health Education Proposal HEP Example: Teaching Plan

Essay Instructions:

"Drug Abuse in Teen" Write a Health Education Proposal for HEP example is provided in the HEP forums. The purpose of the Health Education Proposal is to provide the School Nurse the opportunity to look broadly at health education. The student is encouraged to design a proposal that would be appropriate for the current health issues and educational needs oftheir area. This proposal should be well structured so the student could implement this plan if the opportunity presented itself. The proposal will be a topic of the student’s choice based on literature review, interest, and experiences and problem identification. The student should preferably choose a project in their current place of work that they could build on or assist with for this assignment. This assignment is meant to be something that can be used in the school nurse working in High school.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Education Proposal
Substance abuse is a major public health problem that that is responsible for high rates of mortality and morbidity globally. The epicenter of the abuse takes place within youths and adolescents. Most preventive efforts should be targeted at teenagers as most begin abuse at this age. The defensive mechanism that is youth focused includes skills training for young people in school and educational program within the school setting. Communication with adults about substance abuse and enforcement mechanisms need to be taught to them early enough.
* According to Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, and colleagues (2008) daily high school prevalence rate was at 22% and a lifetime rate of 47%.
* The annual and lifetime prevalence among high school seniors were at 67% and 73% respectively.
* About 37% of high school students reports having indulged in illicit drugs in the past year.
* The same report also claims that 48% do that within their lifetime. Marijuana recorded the annual and daily prevalence of 37% and 42% respectively, hallucinogen record 5% and 6% respectively and amphetamine registered 8% and 12%.
Whereas the use of alcohol and cigarettes has reduced among high school students, the use of illicit drugs is on the rise and the increase in utilization and abuse of substances (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, et al., 2008).
In most cases, teenagers do not develop alcohol addiction but are always in trouble as a result of related substance abuse. These problems stem from:
Binge drinking
School suspension and suspension from co-curricular activities like sports due to the influence of substance. Various schools do not allow substance use within their compounds. The strict restriction without proper education has created a culture of binge drinking within high schools and colleges. The effects of binge drinking are colossal.
When harsh punishment is given to those caught with alcohol and narcotics, the students resents and chose hideouts as their drinking spots thereby fuelling binge drinking.
Research shows various factors promote substance abuse. Modeling of substance use by parents, siblings, and peers plays a critical role in influencing teenager’s use of a substance (Mayberry, Espelage &Koenig 2009). Also to blame for the rise in substance use is popular culture. Celebrities in movies, televisions, and music videos are seen using the substances thus making them ideal for many youths who are keen on following that life. Additionally, advertisement that promotes alcohol and cigarettes also contribute to the use.
Traditional ways of dealing with substance abuse like the expulsion of students who violate drug policy have proved punitive, and numerous stake...
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