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Nursing and Health Science, Diabetic Medicine and Diabetes Complications

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles identified in Topic 1. Pay particular attention to evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution. Hint: The Topic 2 readings provide appraisal questions that will assist you to efficiently and effectively analyze each article. ARTICLES that need to be used. For futher questions please call Jeannette at 334-405-7149 Lynne, D. (2004). Disease Management. Diabetes disease management in managed care organizations. Vol. 7 (1). Pg. 47-60.  DOI:10.1016/S0306-9877(02)00231-1. Marchant, K. (2012). Diabetes & Primary Care.

Can collaboration between primary and secondary care reduce diabetes complications? Vol. 14 (3). Pg. 182-190.  Kent, D., D'Eramo, M., Gail; Stuart, P., McKoy, J., Urbanski, P., Boren, S., Coke, L., Winters, J., Horsley, N., Sherr, D., Lipman, R. (2013). Population Health Management. Reducing the Risks of Diabetes Complications Through Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support. Vol. 16 (2). Pg./ 74-81.

 Pritchard, C. (1996). Nursing Clinics of North America. Update in diabetes: applications for clinical practice from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Vol. 31 (4). Pg. 725-735. R Snow, R., Sandall, J., Humphrey, C. (2014). Diabetic Medicine. Use of clinical targets in diabetes patient education: qualitative analysis of the expectations and impact of a structured self-management programme in Type 1 diabetes. Vol. 31 (6). Pg. 733-738.

 Levine, J. (2008). Journal of Women's Health. Type 2 diabetes among women: clinical considerations for pharmacological management to achieve glycemic control and reduce cardiovascular risk. Vol. 17(2). Pg. 249-260.  Creaven, M. (2009). Nursing Standard. Diabetes complications...this practice profile is based on NS481 Hill J (2009) Reducing the risk of complications associated with diabetes. Nursing Standard. 23, 25, 49- 55. Vol. 24 (5). Pg. 59.  

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (2015). Early Weight-Loss Success Identifies Non-responders after a Lifestyle Intervention in a Worksite Diabetes Prevention Trial. Vol. 115 (9). Pg. 1464-1471. Griffey, S., Piccininol, L., Gallivan, J., Lotenberg, L., Tuncer, D. (2015). Evaluation and Program Plan. Vol. 48. Pg. 83-89. DOI:10.1016/.2014.10.002.  Whittlemore, R., Rosenberg, A., Gilmore, L., Wittney, M., Breault, A. (2014). Public Health Nursing. Implementation of a Diabetes Prevention Program in Public Housing Communities. Vol. 13(4). Pg. 317-326.   Gordon, C., Walker, M., Carrick-Sen. D. (2013). Journal of Advanced Nursing. Exploring risk, prevention and educational approaches for the non-diabetic offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes - a qualitative study. Vol. 69 (12). Pg. 2726-2737.  Forslund, A., Lundblad, D., Soderberg, S. (2010). Journal of Clinical Nursing. Sudden cardiac death among people with diabetes: preventive measures documented in their medical records A-S Forslund et al. Sudden cardiac death among people with diabetes. Vol. 19 (23,240. Pg. 3401-3409. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis and appraisal
(Author’s name)
(Institutional Affiliation)
The first article ‘Nursing and Health Science’ authored by Oba, McCaffrey, Choonhanpran and Chutug assesses the preventive model for diabetes mellitus in primary care unit in Asian countries. Other objectives of the study are to create a proactive program that aims to discourage harmful behavior and in turn prevent diabetes mellitus. One of the key weaknesses of the study is that it only focused on primary care and ignores secondary and tertiary care. However, that notwithstanding, the study was able to adequately explore health services for diabetes mellitus patient at the primary care level. Another key weakness of the study is that it employed only a single technique to examine the prevention requirement of Diabetes Mellitus.
The next article under analysis is ‘Diabetes Disease Management in Managed Care’ and it is authored by Donna Lynn. According to Lynn (2004) diabetes is among the most common diseases in the US and consumes at least 10% of the resources devoted to healthcare and almost a quarter of the Medicare budgetary allocation. Therefore, the author believes that it is likely to be factored in a disease management program (Lynn, 2004). The article emphasizes the importance and operation of this program through the use of descriptive statistics and diagrammatic illustrations.
The article ‘Diabetes and Primary Care’ authored by Karen Marchant, assesses if merging the primary care and secondary care can minimize the complications associated with diabetes. The aims of the study include introducing a specialist in a primary care unit for diabetes (Marchant, 2012). A major strength of the study is its use of visual data analysis techniques. On the other hand, the key weakness of the study is the absence of the needed resources for training several more nurses rather than just a singles one.
The article ‘Population Health Management ‘examines how educating people with diabetes can help reduce the risk of additional complications associated with diabetes. The study adequately uses statistical evidence to show how harmful diabetes can be if not well managed due to its associated risks. The article provides an in-depth discussion on how to minimize diabetes complication as well as the important role that diabetes educators play (Kent, D'Eramo et. al, 2013). However, the article does not provide a study to confirm its hypothesis. It only bases it arguments on previous researches and past statistical evidence.
The article ‘Diabetic Medicine: Use of clinical targets in diabetes patient’ examines the impact education has on the life events of people who have been suffering from diabetes for over 10 years after participating in the DAFNE program (Snow, Sandall & Humphrey, 2014) . One of the major strengths is its qualitative study that adequately examines the experiences that DAFNE participants considered of significance and appropriate to their lives with diabetes.
The article by Levine titled ‘The Journal of Women’s health’ examines the various consideration in the management of type 2 diabetes in women. According to Levine (2008), the type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major cause of mortality in the United States of America. The author begins by employing statistical evidence to showcase the severity of type 2 diabetes mellitus on the US female population (Levine, 2008). The author does this by comparing the number of deaths among women that are caused by diabetes with those that are caused by breast cancer. A number of strategies for preventin...
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