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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Health Policy Values Nursing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words examining your personal values and beliefs. Include the following:
Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs.
Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care policy. Give examples of relevant ethical principles, supported by your values.
Analyze how factors such as your upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy.
Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Less than Satisfactory
75.0 %
10.0 %
Describe your personal values and beliefs.
Does not describe personal and nursing values and beliefs.
Identifies personal and nursing values and beliefs, but does not identify both.
Identifies personal and nursing values and beliefs, but they are insufficiently developed.
Adequately describes personal and nursing values and beliefs. There are few inconsistencies. Few examples are provided.
Fully describes personal and nursing values and beliefs with no inconsistencies. Clear examples are provided.
20.0 %
Differentiate your beliefs and opinions about health care policy using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame your description; give examples of relevant ethical principles supported by your values.
Does not discuss any beliefs or opinions about health care policy or give examples of ethical principles.
Discusses beliefs and opinions about health care policy, but does not use the framework of cost, quality, and social issues to describe them. No relevant ethical principles cited.
Discusses, but does not differentiate beliefs and opinions about health care policy relative to cost, quality, and social issues. Ethical principles cited, but no description given of how values support them.
Differentiates beliefs and opinions about health care policy using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame the description, but is insufficiently developed. Gives examples of relevant ethical principles, but inconsistencies with values present. Few examples or details given.
Clearly and systematically differentiates beliefs and opinions about health care policy using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues to frame the description. Gives relevant examples of ethical principles supported by values. Clear details and examples given. No inconsistencies.
20.0 %
Analyze how factors such as your family upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy.
Does not discuss how external or internal factors affect current perspectives on health care policy.
Identifies one or two of the following factors that affect current perspectives on health care policy: family upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrines, personal and professional experiences, or political ideology. No analysis of their effect given.
Identifies three or four of the following factors on current perspectives on health care policy: family upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrines, personal and professional experiences, or political ideology. No analysis of their effect given.
Partially analyzes how all factors of family upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect the current perspective on health care policy. Few details and examples given. Some inconsistencies.
Comprehensively analyzes how all factors of family upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and political ideology affect the current perspective on health care policy. Clear details and examples given. No inconsistencies.
20.0 %
Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you.
Does not address inconsistencies discovered relative to the alignment of personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Does not discuss insights.
Identifies inconsistencies discovered relative to the alignment of personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Does not discuss insights.
Discusses inconsistencies discovered relative to the alignment of personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Does not discuss insights.
Discusses inconsistencies discovered relative to the alignment of personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Partially discusses insights. Some inconsistencies present.
Comprehensively examines inconsistencies discovered relative to the alignment of personal values and beliefs with those concerning health policy. Fully discusses insights. Clear examples and details given. No inconsistencies.
5.0 %
Paragraph Development and Transitions Style
Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed.
Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident.
Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other.
A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are used as appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope.
There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The writer has been careful to use paragraph and transition construction to guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive ? they ?sparkle.?
10.0 %
Organization and Effectiveness
5.0 %
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, and grammar)
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning.
Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors that distract the reader.
Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader.
Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present.
Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Policy Values
Institutional affiliation
Health Policy Values
The sole reason for choosing this profession is driven by my desire to help people through nursing and believe it is a calling. I additionally believe that nursing is an honorable career that should be taken seriously and not merely as a paycheck to survive the pressures of life. My main goal in life is to provide non-judgmental care to those in need regardless of their race, religious beliefs, culture, financial capability or living with disabilities. My personal values and beliefs are as follows persistence, security, family, honesty, kindness, success, and achieving my goals. I additionally acknowledge that the core of nursing is patient, caring and integrity. I believe that nurses should uphold their personal values and beliefs at all times except in exceptional cases.
Personal beliefs
I believe that people should be offered free treatment because the constitution states that everybody has a right to be healthy (Citizens For Long Term Care, 2001). I also believe that long-term care should be offered in hospitals instead of concentrating on treating people and discharging them, hospitals should concentrate on offering long-term care to ensure that people stay healthy. This offer should be extended to those suffering from chronic illnesses. Additionally, the cost of medical care in the country is high, and people are suffering from this. People suffering from chronic diseases are suffering the most when it comes to the cost of medical care. They only go to the hospital when they are feeling sick, treated and discharged hence making their trips to the hospital costly. The government should concentrate on a plan that assists these people to receive long-term medical care. This is because some of the reasons that lead to the enhancement of chronic disease can be solved without having to take a trip to the hospital. Stress levels and anger can prompt a chronic disease to increase, and these things can be solved by providing long-term care to the people that are by awarding them counselors who will advise them on the right paths to take in life (Farley, 2010).
Political ideology
Politically I believe that insurance in the medical care sector should not be privatized. Like so many other countries especially in Europe, the government should provide the insurance. In European countries, the government uses the taxes collected to create an insurance union that takes care of all the citizens if they are registered. The government should create a union that taxes people for medical purpose these registered under the union should receive f...
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