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Health Policy Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Health Policy Proposal Analysis (Policy Brief)
Nurses engaged in the policy arena often are asked to provide information on a health care topic of interest to policy makers. This is frequently accomplished through developing a policy brief. A policy brief advocates for a particular recommendation (prior to the enactment of a policy). Learning how to write a policy brief in a clear, succinct, scholarly, and professional manner is an essential skill for advanced practice nurses.
For this Assignment, you will assess one of the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health: Report Recommendations. You will then develop a policy brief to advocate for this recommendation (the written policy brief is due in Week 7).
To prepare:
Review the Lavis et al. article on preparing and writing policy briefs provided in the Learning Resources.
Select one of the recommendations within the IOM The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health: Report Recommendations to focus on for this assignment.
Research the history of the problem behind the recommendation and what has been done to try to solve the problem.
What does the recommendation say should be done? Are there any groups, nursing and others, currently supporting work to implement the recommendation (e.g., Kaiser Family Foundation, professional organizations)? Does the recommendation suggest specific groups that should be involved in the implementation? Think critically about how the recommendation should be implemented – did the IOM get it right? What other strategies are possible to consider?
By Day 7 of Week 7
To complete:
Develop a scholarly and professionally written 2- to 3-page single-spaced policy brief on the recommendation you selected from the IOM report following the format presented in the Lavis et al. article. Include the following:
Short introduction with statement of the problem.
The selected recommendation (from the IOM Report)
Current characteristics
The impact of the recommendation from the perspective of consumers, nurses, other health professionals, and additional stakeholders
Current solutions
Current status in the health policy arena
Final conclusions
Resources used to create the policy brief

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Leadership and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare
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Nursing Leadership and Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare
Nurses play a significant role in the healthcare system, and they are expected to work with other health professionals to improve service delivery and healthcare outcomes. The nursing practice addresses a wide range of healthcare issues and activities, including coordination of care, disease prevention, and promotion (Shahzad et al., 2019). Nurses also provide prescriptions and palliative care to ensure the patients’ well-being. The current healthcare system’s primary challenge is a lack of adequate nursing leadership and interdisciplinary collaboration, making it difficult for nurses to make meaningful contributions in healthcare.
This policy brief examines one of the recommendations for nursing provided by the IOM Report. The selected recommendation is the report’s key issue number 3, which addresses nursing leadership and inter-professional collaboration. According to Shalala et al. (2011), the IOM Report of 2010 indicates that nurses should collaborate with physicians and other health providers to redesign the United States’ healthcare system. Effective leadership is essential in redesigning and transforming the healthcare system. Nurse leaders should work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality healthcare while remaining accountable for all healthcare activities and outcomes. The IOM Report recommends that nurses, physicians, and other health professionals be full partners with clearly defined roles and interdisciplinary teamwork. Nurses are expected to participate in the decision-making and implementation of health policies and reforms.
Inter-professional collaboration, teamwork, and effective leadership require various healthcare providers’ efforts, including nurses, physicians, clinicians, and support staff, to increase the efficiency of health care (Smith et al., 2018). The IOM recommendation number 3 has profoundly impacted the perceptions, values of healthcare consumers, nurses and other professionals. Nurse leaders should ensure that their teams actively serve in the commissions, boards, and advisory committees. Nurses are the most affected participants because they participate and make decisions in most phases of healthcare provisions. Stakeholders such as the physicians and clinicians are expected to collaborate with nurses by giving them direction and appropriate feedback regarding treatment plans. Nurses should ensure that they engage and collaborate with their patients to improve their health outcomes. When patients become full partners with the nurses, it becomes easier to collect healthcare data that can be used to make meaningful decisions. During the partnership, nurses should also provide information about the available medications and treatment plans and the benefits and risks associated with each choice to help patients make informed decisions (Feo et al., 2017). Effective nursing leadership engages the physicians and other healthcare providers and also considers the contributions of the consumers.
The current state of the US healthcare system does not match the expectations and the recommendation of the IOM Report. The healthcare system is...
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