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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Health Policy Debate

Essay Instructions:

Explain current health policy debate regarding the Affordable Care Act in the context of values, markets, and morals. In fairness and availability of care, who wins and who loses? Be sure to discuss equity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Be sure to select a point of view, and argue what should be done.

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Affordable care debate
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Affordable care debate
Stipulations of affordable healthcare have come with a lot of debate especially to the directly involved parties. Health care being a basic element of human life must intrigue thinking when different aspects of it come into discussion. The advantages that came with the healthcare policy cannot be overestimated. However, it is crucial to note that; there are various issues that must always be considered in the face of the health care policy despite its importance. It is the consideration of those issues that have led to debate that has been in some incidences regarded as of negative orientation.
This standpoint has come in consideration of values associated with health care. In healthcare, the direction to be taken in the various issues should always be measured in accordance with the values that will come with it. Camargo & Grant (2015) asserts that; there have been doubts on the values associated with the affordable healthcare, and therefore, the misgivings concerning the same. The marketing of the policy has also been of questionable stance. This is more so especially due to association of the policy with politics. Although it cannot be argued that the policy is of negative implication just on the basis of its association with politics, it is still crucial to consider the implication of the marketing tool. Sirpal (2014) acknowledges that; the morals of the health policy also present doubts on the implications. For instance, the provision of the affordable healthcare can rightfully be as...
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