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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:

can you select the latin or Hispanic community in the united states and go from there? Your session long project will deal with various aspects of health of an ethnic/minority group in the U.S. and with the relationship between this group's cultural characteristics, socio-economic status and health. Your Task: Please choose a culture group that resides in the U.S. Your project has to address the following issues: Statistical data on the size, the geographical distribution, the growth, and the predominant health problems in this group. You can use these government websites: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Minority populations. Retrieved August 31, 2007, from www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/nchs/otheract/grants/minpop/minpop.htm U.S. Census Bureau. (2001). Mapping Census 2000: The geography of U.S. diversity data tables. Retrieved November 13, 2008, from http://www(dot)census(dot)gov/population/www/cen2000/atlas/data.html From the CDC site you can perform searches on any health topic as it relates to ethnicity (a proxy for culture) in the United States. Please cite all the references you are using.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hispanic persons originate from Mexico, Cuba, south and Central America and Spanish speaking countries. Their cultural characteristics have certain traits and values. These take account of the following. Avoiding activities that can set them apart from their own group, role playing in the Puerto Rican, this includes distinction amongst sexes, female get rights not given to boys, and vise-versa, and maintaining dignity in oneself, family love, respect to others and children affection. Children are also made to understand that Europeans Americans are not worth to be trusted and should look upon them with fear and hostility.
Hispanic communities share almost the same cultural aspects. They value their families, which not only include the parents and the children but the whole extended family. Every individual has the own role in the family, the father being the head, the mother takes responsibility of the house and any other house member chips in to help in whatsoever needed. Hispanic makes religious one of their daily activities, and this has been done over decades. It is worth noting that they believe in the Roman Catholic Church and other faith denominations that have modernly grown in their culture (Gessler, 1998).
The Hispanic community also takes to consideration on the countries celebrated dates, such as Christmas, New years Day, Easter and the three Kings day celebrated in the U.S (Hope, 2012). In the Hispanic communities, education is an important aspect and so, they teach learners on the basic life skills such as respect and honesty. The teacher also demonstrates this by following some general norms, like greeting each student this helps the learner understand better and follow suit.
Hispanic is currently one of the rapid growing ethnic communities in...
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