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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health And Education, Please Focus On African Americans And Diabetes

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Please focus on the first article. African Americans and diabetes

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Health and Education
Health and Education
Diabetes is among the leading causes of death among Americans; nearly more than 26 million people live with diabetes in America. Research studies reveal that ethnic minorities have a higher prevalence of diabetes. African Americans are 2.2 times likely to die of diabetes than white. Multiple factors contribute to existing health disparities among the ethnic minorities in the US (Purcell &Cutchen, 2013). Diabetes is a public health burden that needs an appropriate response. The paper reviews a study to assess experiences of African American in managing diabetes. The paper aims at assessing the best approach to implement cultural sensitive diabetes management self-management education program.
Despite increased efforts to minimize the prevalence rate of diabetes among ethnic minorities in the US, diabetes prevalence continues to increase among African American due to several factors. Individual perception affects how African American feels about being associated with a diabetes diagnosis. Denial is a key factor that inhibits adherence to a healthy lifestyle (Sattin et al., 2016). Most patients live in denial and prefer focusing on particular symptoms or condition like blood sugar (Sattin et al., 2016).
Those diagnosed with diabetes tend to perceive blood sugar levels as a temporary problem that can be easily eliminated. They lack extensive knowledge about the negative effects of diabetes (Sattin et al., 2016). Patients avoid accepting their diabetic condition as a permanent problem. In addition, Lack of knowledge on the condition and consequences diabetes affects the treatment process among those diagnosed with diabetes (Sattin et al., 2016).
Depression is a common factor among older African Americans due to the negative perception of diabetes. Depression results in unhealthy diets and also activates neuroendocrine that is likely to increase insulin resistance (Sattin et al., 2016). Older African Americans hold a pessimistic view of themselves and their health status when diagnosed with diabetes. These views result in low motivation levels that compromise diabetes self-management increasing the risk of negative health outcomes. (Sattin et al., 2016).
Extended family
The family has a strong influence on individual's attitude and beliefs, especially how one is perceived to be at risk. Through observation of family member's experiences with diabetes and the health consequences like amputation, the perception of risk increases (Sattin et al., 2016). Family members are important in diabetes management because they offer emotions support (Purcell &Cutchen, 2013). Support from family members can promote healthy behavior like diet and exercise and discourage unhealthy behavior (Purcell &Cutchen, 2013).
Family members act as health partners to motivate individual with...
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