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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health Disparities

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 - Case



An important goal of Healthy People 2020 is to reduce health disparities in the United States. Formulate a discussion on this issue. Your paper should address:

1 The definition of "Health Disparities."

2 Differences in health indicators of various ethnic and racial groups in the United States.

3 Potential causes for these observed differences.

4 List possible ways to improve the health of underserved populations.

Assignment Expectations

Use information from the modular readings as well as other appropriate resources as necessary.

Length: Case Assignments should be 3-4 pages long.

References: At least two references must be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted materials should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. Materials copied verbatim from external sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. In-text citations are required as well as a list of references at the end of the assignment. (APA format is recommended.)

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.

Format: APA format is recommended for this assignment.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular: 

Demonstrate your knowledge in this area by summarizing definitions using your own words.

Use relevant statistics to support your position(s).

--- Main Area End --------

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Disparities
Student Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Healthy People 2020 defines a health disparity as “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked to social, economic, and environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group. Religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; geographic location; or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion.” Over the years, lots of efforts have been put in trying to eliminate health disparities and foster health equity with a focus being placed mainly on health, illnesses and health services. However, the problem with this is that the absence of disease does not automatically translate to good health. There are lots of factors to consider especially when it comes to the health of the American people, such as the availability and access to nutritious food, decent and safe housing, non-polluted air and clean water, health insurance (Carter-Pokras & Baquet, 2002). In the coming decade, Healthy people 2020 will undertake their assessment on health disparities with respect to chronic conditions, illness, death, behaviors and other type of outcomes with respect to demographic factors such as race and ethnicity, sexual identity and orientation, geographic location (rural and urban), disability status or special health care needs. This is all in a bid to keep track of the progress in the elimination of gender disparity. Differences in health indicators of various ethnic and racial groups in the United States The following are findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight disparities for selected health indicators known to affect multiple racial and ethnic groups in the United States at all life stages: • Cardiovascular Disease: In 1998, rates of death from cardiovascular disease were about 30 percent higher among African-American adults than among white adults. • Diabetes: The prevalence of diabetes is 70 percent higher among African Americans and nearly 100 percent higher among Hispanics than among whites. The prevalence of diabetes among American Indians and Alaska Natives is more than twice that of the total population. • HIV/AIDS: Although African Americans and Hispanics represented only 25 percent of the U.S. population in 1999, they accounted for roughly 55 percent of adult AIDS cases and 82 percent of pediatric AIDS cases. • Immunizations: In 1999, Hispanics and African Americans aged 65 years and older were less likely than whites to report having received influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. • Infant Mortality: African-American, American Indian, and Puerto Rican infants have higher death rates than white infants. In 1998, the mortality rate among African-American children was 2.3 times greater than that among white children(Carter-Pokras & Baquet, 2002). Potential causes of these observed differences Culture Culture plays a vital role in determining health-related practices and beliefs that directly affects people’s health. Different races and ethnic groups and races have vary...
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