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Use of Informatics to Gather Public Health Data for Mass Inoculation

Essay Instructions:

This week we are going to build upon that concept and think from the perspective of a community health nurse. Since many areas of the country are right in the middle of flu season, this discussion should hold relevance to all of us.

Let's think for a minute that you are a public health nurse. Your role is much more than simply giving flu shots. It is up to you and your team to look at the overall health needs of your community. You may have done a community assessment in one of your previous nursing courses or may have one coming up in a future nursing course. Let's look at how we can use informatics to gather the data you need to initiate a mass inoculation program for your community.

Remember, you have four questions to answer this week.

What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program?

Where would you locate public health data?

What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program?

How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally?

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett. (chapter 8, 10, 13, 14 are the assigned chapter for this assignment)

please use the above book as one of the references.

add 2 more references apart from the above textbook.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Use of Informatics to Gather Public Health Data for Mass Inoculation
The Use of Informatics to Gather Public Health Data for Mass Inoculation
Nurses must keep patients safe during this flu season. Nurses are at risk no matter where they work since they are always in direct contact with sick patients every day. The flu this time is Covid-19, where it has affected and taken many people's lives, including health workers. The nurses must keep patients safe by looking at the community's overall needs by carrying out community assessment to determine their needs in terms of vaccination. The use of informatics will help gather data that would help in the initiation process of mass vaccination.
Various types of public health data can be used to determine the need for mass vaccination of the Covid-19 vaccine. Soucie (2012) noted that the first thing to do is conduct viral surveillance, which will help determine the rate at which the virus has spread to different parts of the world. By conducting the surveillance, countries can set out their priorities and develop interventions that could help reverse the pandemic. The next to be data collected will involve determining the comorbidity of the virus. Comorbidity refers to the situations where there exists more than one disorder in the same infected person. The demographic data should be collected to determine how the virus has affected different people in the community. Demographic data include social determinants such as socioeconomic status, education, age, and other determinants like other previous mass vaccination experiences.
Technology today has helped in predicting future outcomes and also in data management. For example, using a data mining technique would help retrieve public health data useful in the mass vaccination. Also, technological advancement like artificial intelligence helps to predict the future outcome after analyzing the data available. There are online...
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