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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health Care Reform From The APN Perspectives In Comparison With USA

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer,

 This is assignment of class, “Advanced Nursing Practice role”

 Our assignment is actually a group project on one topic. I' m going to make PPP based on the essay.

 Four of us need to address the relationship of advanced practice nursing (and it’s development) and their roles to: “Health Care Reform”

We divided this work by 4 such as

a. History of Health Care Reform

b. Current U.S.A Health Care Reform

c. APN’s role (Development, Relationship, Current Role)

d. Global view of Health Care Reform from the APN perspectives in comparison with U.S.A

My part is last one as “ Global view of Health Care Reform from the APN perspectives in comparison with U.S.A.”

I want you to find five different countries’ Health Care system (Canada, Japan, Norway, Denmark, South Korea) by mentioning pros and cons, so that United States can learn from them and apply the lessons to current health care system to get great benefits out of them. I believe this could be the suggestion of policy on Heath Care Refom.

You can discuss and identify APN perspectives from this Global view of Health Care System as you conclude this project.

Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global View of Health Care Reform from the APN Perspectives in Comparison with USA
Institutional Affiliation
Global View of Health Care Reform from the APN Perspectives in Comparison with USA
Across the world, there are several nations that demonstrate just how effective healthcare administration can be. In essence, these countries provide a reliable framework of how quality care can be administered at fractional costs when compared to the USA.
In Canada, for instance, the universal care program makes it easy for the public to effectively receive care services at minimal costs (Thompson, 2015). Other countries that also invest in providing universal health care to their citizens include Norway and South Korea with both experiencing great success in these fields. This forms a sound basis upon which the public receives care. While universal care has been highly praised, it has also equally been faulted for long waiting durations, especially among patients with serious medical conditions and those in need of surgeries (Sears, Stockley, & Broderick, 2015). Nonetheless, the potential benefits of universal care in Canada, Norway, and South Korea massively outweigh its disadvantages, making universal care highly popular and beneficial.
As far as government involvement is concerned, Japan and Denmark provide fitting examples of how the government can l...
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