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Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: First Draft

Essay Instructions:

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and acceptance of a diversity of faith expressions. The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative analysis of two faith philosophies towards providing health care, one being the Christian perspective. For the second faith, choose a faith that is unfamiliar to you. Examples of faiths to choose from: Sikh, Baha'i, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. In a minimum of 1,500-2,000 words, provide a comparative analysis of the different belief systems, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research. In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and your selected faith. Refer to chapter 2 of the Called to Care for the list of questions. Be sure to address the implications of these beliefs for health care. In addition answer the following questions that address the practical and healthcare implications based on the research: What are critical common components to all religions/beliefs in regards to healing, such as prayer, meditation, belief, etc.? Explain. What is important to patients of the faiths when cared for by health care providers whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own? In your conclusion, describe your own spiritual perspective on healing, what you have learned from the research and how this learning can be applied to a health care provider. Support your position by referencing at least three academic resources (preferably from the GCU Library) in addition to the course readings, the Bible, and the textbooks for each religion. Each religion must have a primary source included. A total of six references are required according to the specifications listed above. Incorporate the research into your writing in an appropriate, scholarly manner. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

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Health care provider and faith diversity: First draft
Course Title:
The world has various faiths and religious orders that health care providers are exposed to daily. This has made health care providers respect ideas and concerns of patients and their families. Health care provision is unbiased according to faith and religious beliefs. A heath care provider is to know in detail, the knowledge of how to perform their tasks without contradicting a patient`s religious belief and faith. Studies have suggested that religion helps towards a patient’s recovery. A strong religious view of a patient is a source of hope in face of adversity, and it strengthens the will to overcome illnesses and get back to their original health.
The concept of faith (śraddhā) exists in Buddhism and it exists in Christianity. This essay discusses a comparative analysis of two faith beliefs towards the provision of health care. Christianity and Buddhism are the chosen faith and religion for discussion. The essay will review different religious beliefs and views in regards to healing, prayer and meditation, worldview questions and their implications to heath care. It is impossible to memorize all religions in the world today and so health care providers need to inquire from their patients and relatives about their faith. This would be the crucial aspects to be assimilated with healthcare plans, processes and delivery. The best person that would help achieve this is the patient.
Analysis of Christianity and Buddhism towards providing health care
Buddha and God
What is the prime reality? (Shelly& Miller, 2009)Buddha was enlightened and taught people about his journey and understandings of life. Buddha is not prayed to by Buddhists. He did not claim himself as god. Buddhists do not worship idols of Buddha. They only appreciate and endeavour to live a life like Buddha`s which has inner peace, love and joy. The teachings of Buddha are generalized into being upright, not hurting oneself and others and meditation (Alves; The Buddhist World). This reflects to the health care providers to create an atmosphere where the patient is peaceful and can meditate and concentrate on themselves for their own recovery.
God is Omnipresent, Divine, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and human beings were created in God`s own image. Man came from God and so the ultimate objective of a Christian faith is to be with God. To achieve this, one has to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus` wisdom came from God`s commandments and so, to get to God, one has to go through Jesus Christ (New International Version). For a health care provider, Christian patients would embody God through their recovery and health care process and so the nurses have to create an environment that reflects on the beliefs of the Christians towards their recovery and wellbeing.
Human being
What is a human being? How do we know what is right and wrong? (Shelly& Miller, 2009)Christians’ core traditions are found in the Christian Bible; old and new testament. They were written by Jesus` disciples. The teachings portray how a Christian should behave. Through following these teachings (doing right), the soul of a Christian will be saved by the coming back of Jesus and Jesus promises eternal life (New International Version). The relationship between God and the soul determines whether the human being will be saved (when you do right) or will go to hell (when you do wrong) and this is what drives the Christian faith (Alves).
Whereas, the Buddhist self is an altering corporeal and psychological forces. The forces are feelings, consciousness, rational actions, perceptions and cognizance. (The Buddhist World). The forces undergo changes constantly and therefore, no one can assume permanent self (Alves). In health care, Christian embodiment is real and the physical body would succumb to illnesses and when God decides then the person dies (New International Version).
Suffering and Death
How do we know what is right and wrong? What happens to a person at death? (Shelly& Miller, 2009)Buddhists view death when one`s life has ended and the person`s karma journeys to a new beginning. Life will be seen in a new body of any living thing. Buddhists observe four noble facts that include; suffering exists; suffering ends well; all suffering have a reason, and lastly, there is an existence of a way to alleviate suffering (Alves). As health workers, this is significant since for a Buddhist patient, freedom from pain is what they would want. Their illness would be seen as suffering.
Christianity points out that suffering was first encountered when the people refused God. If people persist in refusing God, they will undergo impermanent and permanent suffering on earth and in hell respectively. God led Jesus on earth and to die for mankind`s redemption through His son. (John 14:6, New International Version). To end their suffering they have to give themselves to Christ. For a Christian, pain can be alleviated by God and this is different as compared to Buddhism where it is alleviated through internal self. As health workers, a Christian patient would seek suffering alleviation from God as compared to a health provider. It would be necessary to educat...
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