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Health Benefits of Meditation

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Health Factors of Meditation
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Health Factors of Meditation
Mental health refers to psychological well-being or lack of a mental disorder. Similarly, mental health is also the expression of emotions, which signifies successful adaptation to various demands. Today, there are multiple practices aimed at improving mental health. Meditation is one of the commonly used techniques by health experts as it encompasses the use of personal and spiritual experience. The purpose of each meditation technique used by health experts is to channel ordinary awakening consciousness into a more positive direction by entirely transforming one’s state of mind. Meditation refers to turning inwards or concentrating on the inner self. Health experts assert that people who practice meditation are less likely to experience mental health disorders. Meditation enhances one’s physical well-being. Through scientific techniques, deliberation appears to be one of the safest practices in complementary and alternative medicine. Meditation does not only focus on replacing ‘bad’ ideas with ‘good’ thoughts. As an alternative, it offers respite from the usually present epilogue. Over the past few years, the use of meditation coupled with e-cognitive, physiological, neurophysiological, and general well-being as an alternative medicine has flourished.
The effect of different meditation practices on various mental and physical aspects continues to receive widespread attention. Meditation, coupled with enhanced cognitive functions, is one of the common strategies health experts have used over the last decade to treat mental disorders. Cognitive processes include various mental abilities, such as learning, remembering, thinking, problem-solving, attention, and decision-making (Marciniak et al., 2014). Health experts contend that practicing mindfulness meditation for at least ten minutes can improve concentration and keep information active in one’s mind. The function is popularly known as ‘working memory.” Primarily, the brain achieves this by becoming more efficient, indicating that it requires fewer resources to perform such tasks. Over the last decade, various claims regarding the effects of meditation have continued to arise. However, scientific evidence backing these claims is weak or lacking.
Meditation practices have various health benefits, such as preserving cognition and preventing dementia. Emerging reports indicate that during the last few years, the number of patients combining cognitive functions has risen, demonstrating that it is effective. Studies exemplify that meditation may affect various pathways vital to brain aging and mental fitness (Walton, 2015). Health experts assert that meditation may reduce stress-induced cortisol secretion, which may have potential neuroprotective effects. Meditation may positively affect lipid profiles and lower oxidative stress despite these effects (Marciniak et al., 2014). Primarily, these could help minimize the risk of cerebrovascular disease and age-related neurodegeneration. The benefits mentioned in the last sentence explain why experts use cognitive functions in meditation sessions.
Health professionals contend that meditation can physiologically induce quiescent states, as proven by reduced autonomic parameters (Khalsa et al., 2015). Cardiologists opine that meditation can alleviate any problems caused or worsened by stress. Herbert Benson, a cardiologist known for three decades of research into the health effects of meditation, suggests that the body behaves with composure when meditation is used as an alternative medicine (Emory, 2019). The relaxation response gained from meditation helps reduce metabolism, lower blood pressure, and improve heart rate, brain waves, and breathing (Walton, 2015). The tension and tightness seep from the muscles as the body receives a subtle message to relax. Incorporating physiological functions in meditation has led to scientific evidence of how it takes place. An in-depth analysis of people meditating using an MRI brain scan showed increased activity in areas controlling metabolism and heart rate (Khalsa et al., 2015). Supplementary studies on Buddhist monks illustrate that meditation contributes to long-lasting changes in brain activity in areas involved in attention, learning, working memory, and conscious perception.
The soft power of repetition is the backbone of the meditation technique. Psychologists assert that when people focus on breathing, ignore thoughts, and repeat a phrase or word (a mantra), they create a biological response of relaxation. Primarily, meditation is not a challenging art to learn. People who practice meditation often improve their ability to quickly...
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