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Health Belief Model Mapping

Essay Instructions:

Mapping the Health Belief Model

Intrapersonal theories pertain to promoting a health behavior change within a single person. The constructs of the Health Belief Model include perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, and barriers; cue to action, and self-efficacy.

Mapping out the Health Belief Model allows the health educator to understand the individual’s perceptions (perceived susceptibility and perceived severity), the modifying factors (demographics, psychological variables, knowledge of the disease, and prior contact of the disease), and the likelihood of action (reminders or advice from others). In this assignment, you will map out a scenario using the Health Belief Model.

View/Download the Template Tables download(DOC) for use in this assignment.

Create a 4-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.

Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations for your paper.

Compose an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Review the Health Belief Model Mapping Example from the Module 2 presentation on the Template Tables document (linked above).

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Step 2. To create your map, access the Health Belief Model Mapping Template from the Template Tables document (linked above). As long as you maintain the categories, you may choose the graphics design for your template, including fonts, colors, etc.

Step 3. Select an existing scenario from the library database or the Internet, or create a scenario demonstrating intrapersonal health behavior.

Step 4. Relate the scenario in paragraph format as the introduction to your paper.

Step 5. Using the scenario and the example, map out the constructs of the Health Belief Model.

How do the constructs of the theory apply to the health behavior?

In the conclusion of the paper, devise a plan of how you would address the existing health behavior to help the individual in the scenario make a behavioral change.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mapping the Health Belief Model
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Health Belief Model Mapping – Template
In this Scenario, a 44-year-old woman is afraid of going for breast cancer screening. She needs to be educated about the prevalence of breast cancer and the need for Mammography adherence so as to find out whether she has cancer or not. She needs to be informed and encouraged to carry out exercises and have a balanced diet to reduce on the risk of getting diagnosed with breast cancer.


Individual’s Perceptions

Health Educator’s Next Action

Perceived Susceptibility

The chance an individual believes they have of getting a specific health condition.

I do not think I can ever get breast cancer because no one in my family has ever been diagnosed with cancer. My breasts do not pain so I do not think I have cancer or can ever get it.

Educate the individual about the various causes of breast cancer and how the people of her age are at high risk of having it.

Perceived Severity

How severely the individual believes a certain health condition will affect their life.

Breast cancer is a slow- killing disease and am afraid it won’t be long before it weakens and kills someone.

Educate the person about the seriousness of the disease and the treatments available.

Perceived Benefits

The benefits individuals believe there are in taking action to address the health condition.

I always try to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly and with this I do not think I will get breast Cancer.

Explain to the individual how a balanced diet and regular exercising is good for their health and can help their bodies fight against other diseases that come with age such as high blood pressure, stroke among others.

Perceived Barriers

The roadblocks or threats individuals anticipate in trying to address the health condition.

Many women in my circle have refused to take up the breast cancer screening saying it is painful and that makes me scared too.

Explain to the person how mammography is not painful. Explain also how routine mammography increases on the chances of survival among cancer patients (BMC,).

Cue to Action

External or internal factors that stimulate individuals to act.

I am under a life insurance program that caters for my medical expenses therefore since am not paying the bills I will take the breast cancer screening.

Examine other factors motivating the person to consider mammography adherence.


The level of confidence individuals have in their ability to act.

I am not confident that I will be able to go for cancer screening every time that am required to go.

Motivate the individual to try her best in encouraging herself and the members within her circle to carry out exercises and to always go for mammography with in a required period of time.

In this scenario, a 44-year-old woman is afraid to take breast cancer screening because of the theories she heard from...
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