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HBS Assignment Task 1: Sourcing, Identifying, and Evaluating Evidence

Essay Instructions:

HBS108 Assignment Task 1: Sourcing, Identifying and

Evaluating Evidence

800 words, 20% of total assessment, due Sunday 25 November 2018 by 11:59 PM

This assignment draws on Topics 1, 2, and 3. It requires you to access and understand health-related data and information from reputable, widely used sources of health information in the form of:

§ Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

§ Research findings from peer-reviewed academic journals accessed through the Deakin

University Library

Topics 1, 2, and 3 (and especially the tutorial activities associated with each topic) will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to successfully complete this assignment.

Please note that links to the online reports and articles are deliberately not provided in this assignment because one of the skills of a health professional (taught in this unit) is being able to locate health data and information online.


§ You may reference the topic content PDFs for this assignment but not the lecture notes (in which case you may wish to find other sources).

§ When you refer to specific data or information from an external source (e.g., ABS survey data, journal articles, or HBS108 topic content PDFs) you must reference them (in-text and, where appropriate, in a reference list at the end of the assignment) according to the Deakin- Harvard referencing style.

§ The word count for this assignment is tight—it will help you develop valuable skills in writing briefly and to-the-point. Do NOT repeat the questions in your assignment—the words will be included in your word count. It is acceptable, where appropriate, to provide brief answers in a few words (i.e., not a complete sentence)—if you do this you must include the question number, e.g., Q. 1(iii) Qualitative study. Be assured that it is possible to get 100% for this assignment within the word count.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
HBS Assignment Task 1: Sourcing, Identifying, and Evaluating Evidence
Your Name and Student ID
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
November 25, 2018
Task A
1 Question 1
1 Based on the 2013 NHRMC Australian Dietary Guidelines, the recommended servings per day for men and women (ages 19-50) are 2 servings of fruit and 6 servings of vegetables; and 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetable, respectively CITATION Aus15 \l 1033 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2015).
2 The 2014-15 National Health Survey results, shows that women are more likely to meet both their recommended fruit and vegetable intake. This is because the percentage of men who does not meet the recommended guidelines are 56.1% for fruits and 96.2% for vegetables, while those who have inadequate intake for women are only 44.6% for fruits and 89.8% for vegetables.
3 Across all age groups, adequate consumption of both fruits and vegetables rises with the increase in age bracket, with the exceptions of 35-44 year olds as well as those 75 years and older. It could be seen that for those 18-24 years old, only 3.2% have adequate consumption while those 25-34 years old have 5.6%. This decreases at 35-44 years old, but increases once again.
4 In order to increase fruits and vegetable intake among Australians, it would be best to prioritize males who are 18-24 years old when it comes to consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is because this population exhibits the least adequacy on consumption for both.
5 This research conducted by Chapman, et al. (2016), is quantitative because it uses a survey as its primary data-gathering method and emphasizes on the use of numbers for analysis.
6 Based on the study, the main barriers to adequate vegetable consumption for those who reported eating less than five servings of vegetables each day are preference of people for other foods, habits, cost of vegetables, and poor recognition of the problem itself (Chapman, et al., 2016, p. 295).
7 Cost is a bigger barrier for fruit consumption because 29% of the respondents think that the commodity is expensive, as compared to 14% for vegetables (Chapman, et al., 2016, p. 299).
8 According to the authors, policies must be directed more towards the promotion of vegetables than fruits, because (1) citizens were “five times more likely to meet the daily recommendation for fruit than vegetables” (Chapman, et al., 2016, p. 299) and (2) because most of the people who do not meet the daily recommendation for vegetables are less likely to eat more (p. 300).
9 The two reasons why the authors have suggested that educational campaigns are important because (1) studies have found that knowledge about recommended intake and increased F&V consumption is linked and (2) because citizens are most likely to overestimate their amount of F&V consumption (p. 300-301).
3 CITATION Roo17 \l 1033 (Rooney, et al., 2017)
10 The four major ethical issues in conducting health research are; (1) obtaining informed consent, (2) respect for confidentiality and anonymity, (3) ensuring the safety of the participants, and (4) respect for their privacy (Fouka & Mantzorou, 2011, p. 3).
According to the study done by Rooney, et al. (2017), the six elements of misunderstanding of fruits and vegetables guidelines are; (1) insufficiency of understanding of the guideline, (2) confusion on which is classified as fruit and which is vegetable, (3) ambiguity on counting of intake from composite foods, (4) lack of knowledge on the conditions of F&V to be counted as such, (5) differences in serving sizes, and (6) doubts of the participants on the guidelines CITATION Roo17 \l 1033 (Rooney, et al., 2017).
The different options provided by the participants th...
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