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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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GERD: Patient Scenario, Smoking and Alcoholism

Essay Instructions:

Write a patient scenario with diagnosis of GERD – I am attaching one patient scenario and you can modify it If you want . Make sure you include Onset , location , duration ,character , aggravating reliving factor , radiation , timing , severity , Prior taking any treatments –One paragraph
Family history-One small paragraph
Life style -One small paragraph
Health promotion of GERD, smoking and alcoholism – One paragraph
What did you learn from the experience? –One small paragraph
What would you do differently? One small paragraph
What Additional data would you have Gathered? One small paragraph
What additional elements of the exam would you have done? One small paragraph

Essay Sample Content Preview:

GERD: Patient Scenario
Institutional Affiliation
GERD: Patient Scenario
Mr. K.M is a 50-year-old patient presenting chest and abdominal pains, wheezing and periodical coughing. For six months now, the patient reports that chest pains and serious abdominal discomfort are experienced in the course of meals or immediately after meals. On inquiry, the patient has been consuming spicy, oily meals and at least two beers after most meals. Initially, he only felt slight pains in the lower abdomen. With time, the discomfort worsened with pain and later developed chest pains. The patient also suffers from heartburn, regurgitation and time to time vomiting, especially after enjoying heavy meals. Heartburns tend to surface whenever the patient is working. The patient has been taking painkillers to alleviate chest pains and burning sensation especially after vomiting. He now finds it hard to feel well like before.
Family History
Mr. K.M is a father of three healthy daughters who do not have any serious medical issues. Mr. K.M lost his father seven years ago, at the age of 68. The father succumbed to severe pneumonia that was not well managed, according to the patient. The mother of the patient is still alive. For fifteen years now, she has been undergoing medication for lung cancer (third stage). Her health record indicates twenty years of heavy smoking and drinking, which she refrained from after diagnosis for chest complications. The medical history of the grandparents is blurry, however, the two died at averagely fifty years of age.
KM is a family man and a distinct football fan. He and her wife spend their weekends and match days in restaurants watching football. For almost 15 years now, KM drinks and periodically smokes. In one day, KM drinks averagely four to seven beers and a few tots of vodka. Despite his love for sports, KM rarely exercise because of his busy business schedule. He recently partnered with two other professional plumbers to commence business around his locality. KM enjoys spiced and grilled meals, in addition to his drinking habits.
Health Promotion of GERD
Smoking and Alcoholism.
GERD is commonly known as heartburn. In the case of GERD, the heartburn is consistent, causing great discomfort. Failure to manage GERD may lead to diseases like esophageal cancer. Hence, the need for patient educati...
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