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Gateway Hospital Leads to Poor Outcomes

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In 1,000-1,250 words, complete case study 18-4, "Gateway Hospital," located on page 398 of Organizational Behavior in Health Care.

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Case Study: Gateway Hospital
Organization Development Interventions
There are many identifiable issues in Gateway Hospital that leads to poor outcomes in terms of employment, finances, and the overall processes of the hospital. The gravity of the problem should be addressed at an organizational level providing interventions that will affect the Gateway Hospital’s strategy, operations, and policies. As there are many issues present, it already involves different levels of the organization, causing dissatisfaction and mistrust so the root cause should be addressed along with the other aspects of the company that is affected.
The organization development interventions that can be applied in this case are the following:
* Large-group intervention
* Total quality management
* Performance management systems
* Team building activities
Large-group intervention is an intervention that will be beneficial to the Gateway Hospitals since it is an organization with many departments and stakeholders involved. This intervention will require feedback and comments from different levels. Representatives from different departments should be included in a meeting wherein the issues can be voiced out and identified, in order for the organization to create changes that will address the specific issues mentioned. This meeting may also include outside stakeholders such as the patients and their relatives/caregivers who are exposed to the organization’s operations and processes, in order to gain a different perspective from which improvement can come (Borkowski & Meese, 2021).
Total quality management or continuous process improvement is another intervention that is applicable to the organization, especially because the issues that it is facing already involve the need to change the work culture (Borkowski & Meese, 2021). The focus of this intervention involves quality control in what it offers to the customers, in the case of the Gateway Hospital, it is the services, products, and processes. This will promote total employee involvement in order to achieve goals that target the satisfaction of the patients, clients, etc.
Performance management systems as an intervention involve an appraisal and reward system, even in the forms of career development opportunities, for the goals that are achieved (Borkowski & Meese, 2021). In line with this, there should be goal-setting so that the employees are all aware of what they will be aiming for. This will motivate the employees, not only because of the material reward but for the recognition that they will receive. It will make the employees feel seen by the company which will then affect work performance, job satisfaction, and loyalty to the company.
Team building is an intervention that can address the issues in the different departments but this is not the priority intervention since the issues among the employees come from a deeper problem in the organization itself which requires a more holistic approach. This intervention can promote teamwork and camaraderie that will help the employees complete their tasks and achieve the set goals (Borkowski & Meese, 2021). This intervention can also be done in a simple way through fun and engaging activities that can be done in groups.
Intervention Plan
After the establishment of needing organization development, diagnosing the problem is the next important step that will help in providing the best intervention for the case. If I were ...
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