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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom Paradigm

Essay Instructions:

This week focuses on an extremely important topic in nursing and nursing informatics - the DIKW paradigm. While nursing informatics centers on the core concepts of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018), it is important to understand that this paradigm is not exclusive to nursing. Any profession that works with data and information can use it. This week you will look at how nursing gathers data and then interprets that data in order to form a conclusion related to patient care.

How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom? Explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and wisdom. Then provide examples from your clinical practice (or past work experiences) according to the following:

Examples of knowledge acquisition

Examples of knowledge generation

Examples of knowledge processing

Examples of knowledge dissemination

Examples of the use of feedback

Be sure to read your textbook carefully as it goes into specific details related to the components of the DIKW continuum. In your own words, explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and wisdom.

Then review the examples provided and provide examples of your own from your clinical practice (or past work experiences).

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. (chapter 13, 17, 18 are assigned for this assignment)

Please make sure to use the above textbook as one of the references. then you can use as many references apart from this textbook

Essay Sample Content Preview:

From Data to Knowledge to Wisdom
Raw data comes from numerous sources; data can be generated through machines and human interactions through media that produce data in videos and messages. Web-based teaching and learning are becoming more effective with the continuous use of the internet. Data becomes knowledge when it is acquired, remembered, and understood, and explained to others. Knowledge becomes wisdom when you incorporate the ideas into your daily lives .wisdom uses knowledge to enhance sound judgment in critical matters. Knowledge acquisition, processing, generation, dissemination, and wisdom are all related. Knowledge generation is a complex and gradual human process that tends to occur in the human mind. The knowledge management environment's enabling nature and culture make it possible for the employees' knowledge acquired automatically in various organizations (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2018). Knowledge processing involves actively collecting, analyzing, perceiving, synthesizing, storing, manipulating, conveying, and transmitting knowledge. (McGonigle & Mastrain, 2018) Knowledge dissemination ensures that expertise is available to the target audience, and it can be used to bring change, and it is a crucial part of knowledge management. Knowledge acquisition is the process of acquiring and storing new knowledge (Bloodgood, 2019).
The relationship between knowledge acquisition, processing, generation dissemination, and wisdom is that a nurse acquires data and utilizes it, applying the acquired knowledge in problem-solving and finally acting with understanding from the basis of the science of nursing practice. An example of knowledge generation is that For nurses to generate knowledge continuously, they have learned new information through experience and observation. When nurses are in situations that allow them to acquire new knowledge through direct observations, they are directly parti...
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