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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Free Mental Health Care for Health Care Workers

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines: Write a two to three - page paper. Prior to writing, deeply reflect on the issue you have chosen. APA format for paper including title page, citations as appropriate, reference page, level headings and proper grammar and spelling. Parts I & II will be your thoughts with no citations. Part III will be a mix of your thoughts with readings.

Include in your paper:

Part I: Overview of Issue

• Opening paragraph - approximately four to five sentences setting the theme and lettingthe reader know what to expect.

• A brief overview of the issue – One to two paragraphs

o What the issue is?

o Why is it a problem?

Part II: Personal Investment

• Personal history of this issue for you

o What triggered interest in the issue?

o How has your interest strengthened over time?

o Reflect on your bias related to this issue.

o Will you be able to remain un biased as you present the issue to a lawmaker?

Part III: Nurse’s Role as a Stakeholder

• Based on this week’s readings (text book and article, video, professor’s notes and flip cards and your chosen issue reflect on the nurse’s role as a stakeholder:

o How are you a personal stakeholder regarding this issue?

o How are you a professional stakeholder related to this issue? (Relate here, the importance of a nurse being involved in creating a policy concerning this issue, that no other professional can).

o What are three roles a nurse may have in moving a policy forth on this issue?

o Conclusion: A closing paragraph at the end summarizing thoughts in a brief manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Free Mental Health Care for Health Care Workers
Student’s Name
Course Number: Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Free Mental Health Care for Health Care Workers
Overview of Issue
Access to mental health services for all healthcare workers remains one of the key challenges faced in the health care systems. Studies have shown that the failure to provide mental health services to health care professionals is a public health concern that influences the quality of care delivered to patients (Søvold et al., 2021). In the course of their duties, health care workers come across multiple stress factors that have a significant negative effect on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The exposure of healthcare workers to stressors could reduce their levels of professionalism, negatively influence the quality of care delivered, negatively influence the efficiency of healthcare workers, and negatively affect their overall quality of life. A policy that could mitigate the negative effects of occupational stressors associated with the delivery of healthcare is providing all mental health workers with free mental health services.
Personal Investment
My interest in the issues was triggered by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased occupational stress that health care workers have to confront. It is my philosophy that the quality of care that patient receives in a hospital is heavily dependent on the well-being of the healthcare workers. Thus, my interest in the need to provide free mental health services to mental health workers has remained a topic of interest. As a nurse directly affected by the issue, I am biased on the topic, as I would like to work in an environment that meets my mental health needs. Nonetheless, the high importance I attach to the topic would ensure that I remain objective when presenting the issue to a lawmaker.
Nurses' Role as Stakeholders
As a nurse, I am a personal stakeholder in the issues because free mental health services would directly improve the working condition I face as a nurse in the workplace. The lack of a program that addresses ...
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