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Four Types of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs)

Essay Instructions:



Write a 3-4 page essay (the page limit does not include title and reference pages) addressing each of the following points/questions.

Prepare your document using the APA 7th edition format, using the 12-point Times New Roman font and formatted with one-inch margins.

Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be nine sections, one for each bullet below.

Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. The headings should follow APA format. This is a guide to formulating headings in APA format: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/16/

Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations other than your textbook (you may also cite your textbook = 4 citations minimum) in your essay.

Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay.

The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

You will need Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application to complete this assignment.

Save your work as " Firstinitial.lastname-coursenumber-modulenumber" in the .doc or .docx file format, e.g. J.Smith-N000-1.docx.


This is a 2 part assignment (Part A and Part B)

Part A:

Visit the following websites:

Visit the Cochrane Collaboration website and read the introduction.

Search for “logo” in the website search box, and read the explanation of the Cochrane Collaboration logo.

Visit the website for AHRQ: AHRQ, (2019), Aug.). AHRQ’s Healthcare Associated Infections Program.

For information about Hospital Acquired infection, Target Goals, Action plans and information about steering committees use: https://health(dot)gov/hcq/prevent-hai.asp and https://www(dot)ahrq(dot)gov/professionals/education/curriculum-tools/cusptoolkit/index.html

Read about Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections: AHQR, (n.d.). Prevention of Healthcare – Associated Infections.

What four infections were studied?

What was shown to be effective against prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections and to what strength of evidence?

Part B:

Locate an evidenced-based research paper (less than five years old). Describe the following about the study:

The title?

What is the study about?

Purpose of the study?

What was the framework of the study?

Protocol development?

Describe how the project began.

Did the topic have support from leaders, clinical nursing staff?

Describe the members of the project team.

How long did the team meet?

What materials, etc. were developed?

Describe the evaluation of the study.

What were the findings and conclusions?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hospital-Acquired Infections
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Hospital-Acquired Infections
Part A
Four Infections
The evidence report produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (n.d.) investigated four hospital-acquired infections (HAIs); Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), surgical site infections (SSI), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), and central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). According to the CDC (n.d.), these four are the most common types of HAIs, posing a significant threat to patient safety during hospitalization. Failure to address these infections can be detrimental to the healthcare system. According to Manoukian et al. (2018), they are associated with increased hospital stays and additional healthcare costs in an already costly healthcare system. Thus, many health agencies are involved in preventing and monitoring these infections to enhance patient safety.
Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections
According to the report, the use of audits, feedback, and provider reminder systems was shown to be effective in preventing HAIs. Healthcare organizations can either use audits and feedback alone or with reminder systems (AHRQ, n.d.). Also, the report revealed that these strategies are most effective when combined with provider education and organizational change as the base strategies. The strength of evidence in support of audits and feedback alone or combination with provider reminder systems was moderate (AHRQ, n.d.). These findings reveal that the prevention of HAIs requires a multi-strategy approach.
Healthcare workers must use a combination of strategies to reduce the rate of HAIs and enhance patient safety effectively. As Fernando et al. (2017) reveal, the long-term prevention of HAIs is highly dependent on multi-modal prevention strategies that increase adherence to evidence-based HAIs prevention guidelines. Audit and feedback are suitable for enhancing adherence among healthcare workers through antimicrobial stewardship and hand hygiene. According to Livorsi et al. (2021), audit and feedback involve assessing and reviewing a healthcare provider's antibiotic-prescribing behavior and providing constructive feedback to ensure the provider practices safe antibiotic-prescribing. This is essential in preventing the over-prescription of antibiotics, which results in increased drug resistance. Thus, audits and feedback can help reduce antimicrobial resistance associated with increased hospital stays due to HAIs. Donati et al. (2020) also reveal that audit and feedback improve hand hygiene among healthcare workers, thus preventing the spread of infections within a healthcare setting. However, according to Fernando et al. (2017), these strategies also require healthcare workers to be educated on evidence-based guidelines. They also require organizational and behavioral changes to ensure adherence to guidelines.
Part B
Effects of Probiotics on Incident Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically-Ill Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial
What is the Study About?
The study is about the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) among critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation.
Study's Purpose
The study's purpose was to investigate and establish whether the use of probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) among critically- ill patients is an effective strategy in the prevention of VAP.
Framework of the Study
The study was conducted after an initial internal blinded pilot trial to test the study's feasibility was completed. Eligible patients, including those in the initial pilot trial, were identified.
Protocol Development
The protocol of the trial was effectively developed and published as part of the study’s supplemental materials. The protocol listed a clear title page, an overview and background information, research questions, the planned intervention (probiotic and a placebo), the exclusion criteria, and the duration of treatment.
How the Project Began
In the research protocol, the researchers revealed that a trial investigating the effectiveness of probiotics in reducing VAP was necessary because VAP is associated with a high clinical and economic burden and is a crucial quality indicator (Johnston...
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