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The Four Metastructure in Nursing Informatics: Wisdom, Knowledge, Information, Data

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Application:
Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum
Have you ever gone online to search for a journal article on a specific topic? It is amazing to see the large number of journals that are available in the health care field. When you view the library in its entirety, you are viewing untapped data. Until you actually research for your particular topic, there is little structure. Once you have narrowed it down, you have information and once you apply the information, you have knowledge. Eventually, after thoughtful research and diligent practice, you reach the level of wisdom—knowledge applied in meaningful ways.
Are there areas in your practice that you believe should be more fully explored? The central aims of nursing informatics are to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. This continuum represents the overarching structure of nursing informatics. In this Assignment, you develop a research question relevant to your practice area and relate how you would work through the progression from data to information, knowledge, and wisdom.
To prepare:
-Review the information in Figure 6–2 in Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge.
-Develop a clinical question related to your area of practice that you would like to explore.
-Consider what you currently know about this topic. What additional information would you need to answer the question?
-Using the continuum of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, determine how you would go about researching your question. -Explore the available databases in the Walden Library. Identify which of these databases you would use to find the information or data you need.
-Once you have identified useful databases, how would you go about finding the most relevant articles and information?
-Consider how you would extract the relevant information from the articles.
-How would you take the information and organize it in a way that was useful? How could you take the step from simply having useful knowledge to gaining wisdom?
Write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following:
-Summarize the question you developed, and then relate how you would work through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum. Be specific. -Identify the databases and search words you would use.
-Relate how you would take the information gleaned and turn it into useable knowledge.
-Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? Describe how you would progress from simply having useful knowledge to the wisdom to make decisions about the information you have foundduring your database search.
Your paper must also include a title page, an introduction, a summary, and a reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nursing Informatics
Course title:
Nursing Informatics
Nursing informatics essentially focuses on the concepts of knowledge, information, wisdom and data (DIKW). It is a speciality which incorporates information science, computer science and nursing science in managing and communicating information, data, wisdom as well as knowledge in nursing practice (Matney et al., 2011). There are 4 metastructures in nursing informatics: wisdom, knowledge, information and data. Data refers to the discrete entities which are described in an objective manner without being interpreted. Information is understood as the structured, organized or interpreted data. Knowledge is basically the information which is synthesized in order to identify any relationships and formalize them. Lastly, wisdom refers to the proper application of knowledge in managing and solving human problems (American Nurses Association, 2015).
The clinical question developed is as follows:
How to identify elderly patients’ risk for poor outcomes when transitioning from hospital to homecare?
The databases that I would use include Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE and MEDLINE/PubMed. The search words that I would use are DIKW framework, informatics, wisdom in nursing, data knowledge wisdom, hospital to homecare transitioning, poor outcomes.
The 4 steps of data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum are important as they help in decision-making and facilitate effective delivery of healthcare. I would work through the 4 steps in the following ways: data – Brokel (2010) pointed out that in the DIKW framework, data makes up the smallest elements. They are discrete facts. To address the question developed earlier, the data includes availability of the caregiver to assist the senior/elderly patient with her daily basic needs, and the fact the patient transitioned from hospital to homecare and now lives with her family. Information – this is constructed when various data points are combined into a picture that is meaningful. Information is used in answering questions such as when, where, what and who (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). In addressing the clinical question, the acquired data points are combined to generate meaningful and useful information. In this case, the information is the patient’s level of support from her family. I would essentially take the information garnered and turn that information into usable knowledge by synthesizing the information. I would combine various information clusters, such as the patient’s diagnosis and living status with extra information that a senior man who is aged 79 years was recently released from hospital with an intricate medication regime, for instance blood thinners. This combination of various information clusters may suggest that the individual is at an increased risk for drug-related adverse outcomes such as bleeding.
Knowledge – this includes synthesized information that allows interactions and relationships to be defined and formalized. Knowledge comprises useful information made up of distinct data points (Westra et al., 2010). To address the clinical question, information is synthesized and utilized in building knowledge with regard to the specific phenomenon. Basi...
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