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Four Generations Work Trait Differences

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Content

Work traits vary considerably between various generations. Each individual has a unique manner for interacting with others and solving problems or addressing issues that arise. In this assignment, you will address work trait differences and how these differences might impact the organizational culture and succession planning.

Part I: Individual Work

Assume you are a human resources intern at a major health care organization that employs more than 500 people. The HR manager has asked you to reflect on work trait differences among 4 generational worker groups and evaluate how these might impact organizational culture and succession planning for an upcoming board meeting. She requests the following:

Create a chart that outlines the work trait differences between the following generations:

Baby Boomers

Generation X

Generation Y/Millennials

Generation Z/Boomlets

Share your chart with your team

Part II: Teamwork

Review two team members’ charts.

Compare your chart with theirs.

Provide a total of 175 words of feedback that answers the following questions for each of the 2 team members (total 350 words):

-What work trait differences are similar to ones you identified in your chart? Provide a comment for each of the 4 generations for each team member.

-Which work trait differences vary from those identified in your chart? Provide a comment for each of the 4 generations for each team member.

-Comment on how the differences might impact both organizational culture and succession planning.

Part III: Individual Work - Organizational Culture and Succession Planning

Create a summary identifying 3 key work trait differences you and your team members identified could impact the culture of your organization, and the impact of such differences on succession planning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Four Generations Work Trait Differences  Part I
A multigenerational workforce typifies most workplaces, each generation possessing different motivations and attitudes to such issues as work-life balance, leadership, and autonomy, among other topics. Therefore, it is critical to understand these differences in priorities, beliefs, and cultures to capitalize on the strengths and experiences of each generational worker group. This essay will address work trait differences and how they might impact the organizational culture and succession planning. Below is a chart outlining the work trait differences between Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y/Millennials, and Generation Z/Boomlets.


Work Traits

Baby Boomers


Strong work ethic, values respect, and face-to-face communication, loyal, driven by position and prestige, competitive, and goal-oriented.

Generation X


Independent, values work-life balance, resourceful, flexible work hours, responsible, and embraces an informal, hands-off management philosophy.

Generation Y/Millennials


Work-flexibility, work/life balance, leadership-oriented, prefer collaborative and impact-oriented work, amenable to feedback, and digital-savvy.

Generation Z/Boomlets


Value social responsibility and diversity, flexible work, want more development opportunities and expect to work with modern technology (Lyons & Kuron, 2013).

Part II
Feedback Response – Amberly
Some work trait differences in her chart are similar to the ones I identified in my chart. For instance, we both characterized Baby Boomers as loyal, hardworking, and desiring respect from the younger generation. We also identified Generation X as valuing work/life balance, autonomy, flexible work, and independence. On the other hand, we categorized Generation Y/Millennials as leadership-oriented, valuing flexible and meaningful work, and desiring career advancement opportunities and work/life balance. We also typified Generation Z/Boomlets as preferring work flexibility and impactful work as well as environmental and social diversity consciousness. However, some work trait differences varied from those identified in my chart....
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