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Forming Relationships with Families Summary

Essay Instructions:

Discuss what are potential barriers to forming an effective relationship with families? What if any, might be potential conflicts of interest?

Essay should be formatted and cited in current APA style with support of at least 2 academic sources not older than five years.

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Forming Relationships with Families
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Forming Relationships with Families
In our modern society, a family can be defined as a group of people related mostly by blood and at times, adoption. The family is the most basic unit in society. In most cases, the family consists of a father, mother, and children. All the members of a family need to have genuinely close relationships with each other. This is a vital concern because most families usually disintegrate as a result of poor relationships. This paper aims at discussing the potential barriers to forming effective relationships within families and ways of overcoming them.
Potential barriers to forming an effective relationship with families.
In most cases, several conflicts of interest and avoidable relationship issues lead to the breaking down of families. Some of these issues include domestic violence, insults, yelling, and public humiliation CITATION Rac20 \l 1033 (Allison, 2020). Domestic violence is defined as the physical, sexual, and psychological pattern of behavior whose main aim is to maintain power and control over other family members, especially a spouse CITATION Rox20 \l 1033 (Dryden-Edwards, 2020). An insult refers to a disrespectful or abusive remark towards/about someone. Yelling in this concept entails raising one’s voice/shouting to disrupt and create distress when talking. Finally, public humiliation refers to the deliberate act of making someone feel ashamed and foolish, injuring their self-esteem and pride before others.
In the context of this essay, these are issues that can be resolved. Domestic violence arises when there is a lack of respect, especially from spouses or when one spouse has a bad history of violence, especially during their childhood years. This is usually the last result after both parties have argued, yelled, and insulted each other. In most cases, the husband usually whips the wife physically. In other instances, the wife is raped, and at times both parties can torture the other mentally. Unfortunately, t...
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