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Five Practices of Leadership Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Five Practices of Leadership in the Movies

Read the Leadership Challenge: Five Practices of Leadership. Pick one of the five practices listed. Go the movie list and pick a movie under the corresponding list. For example, I picked Modeling the Way, so I then chose the movie " To Kill a Mocking Bird " to watch and review for this assignment.

You will write a 3-page paper using APA format



Marquis B.L. and Huston C.J (2017) Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing (9th Ed.) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA:

rubric, assignment guide, movie to choose and lecture attached

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Five Practices of Leadership
Atticus Finch, a father of two, inspires others with focus on integrity, courage and fight for justice in the adaptation of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird to draws attention to the importance of effective leadership. The film reflects on prejudices and injustices, while humanity and integrity are highlighted as important values to improve the society. Atticus Finch, the main character a widowed lawyer tries to educate and raise his children Jem and Scout, and decides defend Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a woman in Alabama in the 1930s (Peck et al., 1962). The ‘Model the Way, which is part of the Five Practices of Leadership, is relevant to understanding leadership in the movie as it highlights finding one’s voice by clarifying personal values and setting the example.
One of the lessons in To Kill a Mockingbird is the importance of learning to be empathetic and leading by example. Atticus Finch wanted his children, mainly scouting, to learn not to judge or condemn other people, and especially those who are different from her. Finch becomes more empathetic towards Robinson and recognizes that the best way to understand him is by considering things from his point of view. Without considering this, Finch is unlikely to have put such a fight to defend Robinson during the thirties when there was the Great Depression and racist attitudes influenced people’s support to restricting the rights of blacks.
Finch finds his voice supporting integrity, justice and being courageous in the face of disapproval from the community. The protagonist fights even if he knew that there was a high chance that he would lose. Finch directed to his children, and especially Jem, to show them the importance of true courage is to fight in spite of the circumstances. Taking action and trying regardless of challenges is crucial since it inspires others to take up the cause and sometimes they may succeed. Leaders inspire their followers by combining their personality and skills and lead by example such that more people want to follow their direction (Marquis & Huston, 2017).
Leaders should not compromise their values and should be committed to defend these values regardless of the circumstance. Despite being judged for defending a colored man condemned to death, Finch, shows his children and the people of Maycomb, Alabama his unwavering integrity and teaches them that dignity should not be comprised. Leadership is about b...
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