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First Line of Medication for Depression

Essay Instructions:

Olivia is a 16-year-old biracial female. She reports feeling down and depressed nearly every day for the past 2 weeks. She has also withdrawn from drama club, an extracurricular activity that she previously enjoyed. She denies any recent losses or being bullied but feels that her ability to concentrate has decreased. Her mother shares that Olivia is spending more time sleeping or napping alone in her room, seems sullen and withdrawn and irritable when she does interact with family. Olivia’s mother notes that Olivia’s appetite has declined and that Olivia remarks that she is not hungry with most meals. Olivia’s mother tells the provider that Olivia does not seem interested in most of her usual activities or her phone. Olivia comments to the provider that she feels that her family and friends would be better off if she "weren’t around." She denies thoughts or plans of hurting herself or others.

Select a first-line medication, based on tolerability and low side effect profile, for the treatment of her severe depression. Please include the available evidence and treatment guidelines. Share the mechanism of action of this medication and hints for monitoring, side effects, and drug interactions, including interactions with CAM. Identify an additional (possibly off-labeled) use of the medication not related to depression or psychosis. Discuss evidence and treatment guidelines to determine appropriate therapeutic options for this patient. Include the name of the medication in the subject line so that the medications can be followed. Include references using APA format.

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Olivia's Case
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Olivia's Case
Depression is a common problem among underage girls caused by different social engagements. Depression is critical and requires a reliable medication that must consider the patient's age and condition. It is a condition of sadness and loss of interest in normal activities and social engagements (Segal et al., 2018). For instance, Olivia has lost interest in key activities such as drama and suffers other effects such as loss of appetite. Therefore, she must have an effective medication to restore her situation. The paper addresses an effective medication to resolve the depressive problem that Olivia undergoes.
First-line Medication
The most appropriate medication for Olivia is fluoxetine. The medication is effective for the severe depression which Olivia undergoes. Besides, fluoxetine is an appropriate medication prescribed by Food and Drug Administration for depressed teens (Micheli et al., 2018). Olivia is a teen and should not take an adult-based antidepressant. There are only two antidepressants for teens, Lexapro, and fluoxetine. However, fluoxetine handles extreme depression, which leads to loss of appetite, as indicated in the case study. The treatment guideline for fluoxetine is consuming 20 to 60mg daily. However, in extreme depression, such as Olivia's case, a maximum of 80mg daily can be used. The medication would restore Olivia's condition since it impacts the mood regardless of the severity of depression. The available evidence for the medication is that a depressed individual would improve energy, sleep, and appetite in 1-2 weeks. Therefore, it is easy to determine whether it is effective.
Mechanism of Action
Fluoxetine has a unique mechanism. However, its mechanism is not easily understandable without Presynaptic serotonin (5HT1A) receptors. The receptors are located...
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