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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
Question 1: How does your leadership style align with your personality typology based on the personality test you took in the course? (Democratic Leadership) Do you find that your personality traits are consistent with your leadership style? Defend your answer. Question 2: How could you utilize an online professional presence within your own work environment to expand your network or sphere of influence? Think of a situation in which having established lines of communication with others in the healthcare industry including past coworkers or supervisors would have been helpful. Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at-large, of when having a personal brand statement would have helped you avoid making a poor impression.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Leadership and Personality Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Leadership and Personality Question 1 An effective leader needs an insightful understanding of his personality. That is because one becomes an ideal leader by matching specific leadership styles with his/her personality typology (Spain, 2019). Having completed the personality assessment, I know that I can be an ideal democratic leader. In the personality assessment, I learned that some of my key characteristics include being collaborative, open-minded, and empathetic. As such, besides understanding the value of my input in a leadership position, I also appreciate the input of others. Such values match the ideals of democratic leadership. In democratic leadership, decisions are made collectively. That is, every stakeholder who is affected by decisions is accommodated in the decision processes. Allowing other people to partake in the decisions that affect their needs demands specific skills that include flexibility, empathy, and the ability to listen to others. I believe that I fit into democratic leadership efficiently. That is because my personality typology matches various elements of democratic leadership like empathy, accommodation, and collaboration. However, I may need to improve my ability to be flexible. The average score on flexibility means that I do not score perfectly in matching my traits to democratic leadership. Still, my traits befit democratic leadership ...
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