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Federal and State Legislation Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

Federal and State Legislation

• Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.

Include Introduction page and Conclusion

Part 1: Legislation Grid

Based on the health-related bill you selected, complete the Legislation Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

• Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed.

• Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill.

• Identify the target populations addressed by the bill.

• Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees?

Advocating for Legislation

Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement

Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following:

• Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position.

• Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Federal and State Legislation
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Federal and State Legislation
Healthcare laws are important because they guide healthcare professionals and protect patients, thus ensuring that desired healthcare outcomes are achieved. They also help address health issues affecting communities. In the United States (US), there is a process involved in turning a law idea into a law. The process starts with drafting a bill, followed by the introduction of the bill into either the house or the senate, depending on the sponsor. After that, other steps are involved until finally, the bill reaches the president, and upon presidential approval, it becomes a law (National Human Genome Research Institute, n.d.). This paper discusses S.1301 - Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act, a healthcare bill that has been introduced but is yet to be enacted.
Legislation Grid
Health-related Bill Name

Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act

Bill Number



The bill, introduced in the 117th Congress by Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio and co-sponsored by Senator Roger Wicker, focuses on Americans’ physical activity. Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act will ensure that the Secretary of Health and Human Services publishes physical activity recommendations for the American people. The Act will also ensure that separate guidelines for physical activity among children, people with disabilities, as well as the general public are provided (US Congress, 2021).
The act will also require that the physical activity guidelines be updated regularly, at least after every ten years. This would ensure that the guidelines are based on current medical or scientific evidence showing the best physical activities that can improve the health of Americans. The updated report will also highlight issues relating to physical activities as they occur. The report may either focus on a particular group of Americans or a particular physical activity issue. However, the recommendations provided by the Secretary will not be binding on any American (US Congress, 2021).

Federal or State?


Legislative Intent

Senators Brown and Wicker understand the importance of physical activity in promoting health. Senator Brown believes that any information about physical activity and promoting healthier and longer lives should be shared with the American public and regularly updated. Senator Wicker also believes in the role of physical activity in reducing the risk of developing chronic disease. Both Senators want the public to have access to scientific, recent information about physical activity to help them stay active and make informed, healthier choices (Senate.gov, 2019). The goal of this bill is to promote health by increasing/advocating for physical activity among Americans.

Proponents/ Opponents

Proponents: Physical activity enthusiasts, health professional organizations, healthcare professionals

Opponents: There are no evident opponents of this bill. However, political indifference and ignorance on the importance of physical activity might impede its success.

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