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Fasting Strategies for Maximizing Strength Conditioning

Essay Instructions:

Exploratory essay

The aim of this final activity is to apply everything you have learned on this course. When writing an exploratory essay, you can combine the two major types of writing that we discussed on this course: informative and argumentative. You previously selected a topic and created an outline so writing this essay should then be easy. You need to expand those ideas into full paragraphs by adding supporting evidence (as a means of adding information) and by adding your own arguments.

Below you will read about how to organize the information so that it helps the reader understand your essay. Trust the outline you already have and work from there!

A final note about writing: as you begin writing your long (research) essay, focus on the organization of ideas first. Add the information from your sources, add your own ideas and conclusions first. Leave grammar, vocabulary, and spelling for the very last thing you do before submitting.

Basic organization of your long essay:

Your essay should consist of three major sections, plus the references section:






Set the context – provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the questions you will ask; describe key concepts.

State why the main idea is important – describe the significance of this exploration and clearly communicate what you want to discover and why you are interested in the topic


You will develop your essay by discussing the subtopics you selected and added in your outline. This section consists of as many body paragraphs as you need. Roughly, each paragraph should have the following information:

Introduction of source (author and year of publication in APA form; e.g. Smith (2020). Add a sentence about why you chose to use it in your exploration. Eg. Smith (2020) defines X as…; Smith (2020) claims that X is ….

Why the information is important in relation to the problem/topic.

Some personal introspection on how the source helped you, allowed you to think differently about the problem, or even fell short of your expectations and led you in a new direction in your research, which forms a transition into your next source.


Restate the problem/topic you explored, possible causes, and highlight some possible solutions.


APA style is widely used in academic writing. It is designed to make academic writing visually easier. Consistency is very important to help the reader move through your text. So, it is very important to apply the correct APA format. This shows consideration for the reader and shows that you can pay attention to detail (a very important skill to have!). Visit the APA style website for a more detailed information and check the next section. The most useful sections for the purposes of this course are: Reference examples and in-text citations.

You will add information about a source in two different places in your essay: as an in-text citation (as you write your body paragraphs you cite the source that supports your ideas), and in your References (the list of sources you used to write your paper).

Kahn et al. (2017) suggests that students engage in online courses but not at the same level as in f2f, which results in lower retention for online courses. To understand this problem, Kahn et al. (2017) explored the use of reflexivity to understand progress and engagement in online classes. They found that in online classes, students used different modes of reflexivity, especially “collective reflexivity led to more engagement” (Kahn et al., 2017).

How the source would appear in the Reference section:

Kahn, P., Everington, L., Kelm, K., Reid, I., & Watkins, F. (2017). Understanding student engagement in online learning environments: the role of reflexivity. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65(1), 203–218. 

Please check the material on APA STYLE for In-Text citations and Reference section available within this module.You will find more details.

Editing your long essay:

After you have organized your essay into paragraphs and sections, and after you have added your references, it is time to check your grammar, your vocabulary and your spelling. Remember to use a variety of sentences: short, long, simple and complex. Your vocabulary should be academic (avoid ambigous words like 'thing'). Add a variety of transition words (avoid overusing 'and', 'so').

You are expected to write a three-pages long essay, plus the reference section. You should also add a cover page with the title of your essay, your name, the name of the course, and the name of your professor. This is a total of 5 pages. You will also add your original outline.

Format considerations:

Margins are 1 inch on all sides.

Font is 12 point and either Times New Roman or Arial.

Paragraphs are double spaced.

Every in-text citation is also listed in the reference list.

In-text citation and reference list are formatted according to APA 7th Edition guidelines.

It is important to clarify that these formatting conditions are established this way because it makes reading easier on the eyes and brain. Do not disregard these conditions.

Outline development

Working Title: Fasting and Strength conditioning

1. Introduction

• What is fasting

• Introduce the combination of fasting and strength training

• Why do people fast

2. Benefits of strength training and fasting

• Achievesness of muscle gain while fat loss

• Helps improving the quality of life to perform daily tasks

• Better metabolism function

• Mental clarity and discipline

• Improved inmune system

3. Negative or side effects or strength training and fasting

• Reduced energy levels that can affect daily tasks and strength training

• Can lead to overtraining and that leaves to fatigue or injury

• Taking fasting to extreme can lead to lack of nutrients and cause muscle loss and getting sick

4. Meal Planning and metabolism

• Best meal planning for strength and fasting training

• Pre and post workout meals for balances hydration and nutrients

• Understand how the metabolism gets influenced during streg

5. Fasting hours

• Easiest and effective hours for fasting and combine it with the training

• Advices on adjusting the amount of hours so your body adapt comfortably, especially if its your first time

6. Conclusion

With these information make an essay that contains Your essay should consist of three major sections, plus the references section:

◦ Introduction

◦ Discussion

◦ Conclusions

◦ References

You are expected to write a three-pages long essay

You will submit a long essay developing the outline that you submitted for your midterm grade. No substitutions will be accepted.

Your essay should consist of three major sections, plus the references section:





You are expected to write a three-pages long essay, plus the reference section. You should also add a cover page with the title of your essay, your name, the name of the course, and the name of your professor. This is a total of 5 pages

You wil also add your submitted outline.

You must submit a single word document with the following:

1. Cover page (1 page)

2. Essay (introduction, discussion, conclusions) (3 pages)

3. References (1 page -add more if necessary)

4. Outline (1 page)

It is expected that you submit a 6 page document.

Format considerations:

Margins are 1 inch on all sides.

Font is 12 point and either Times New Roman or Arial.

Paragraphs are double spaced.

Every in-text citation is also listed in the reference list.

In-text citation and reference list are formatted according to APA 7th Edition guidelines.


You are expected to submit an essay with a reference section that has at least 5 academic sources in APA format. Those sources should also be properly citated within the text. Sources that appear in the text but are not referenced in the reference section or sources that appear in the reference section but are not cited in the text will result in point deductions (up to 5 points per source). Sources that are not from academic references will also have a 5-point deduction and will result in more deductions regarding the supporting evidence category in the rubric.

I did the outline but I don’t have the references but as you see in the instructions you need to get them from academic sources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fasting Strategies for Maximizing Strength Conditioning

Your name

Subject and Section

Professor’s Name



1 Introduction

1 Defining fasting

2 Introducing the synergy of fasting and strength training

3 Exploring the motivations behind fasting

2 Advantages of Combining Strength Training and Fasting

4 Attainment of muscle growth while shedding fat

5 Enhancement of daily life functionality

6 Improved metabolic performance

7 Heightened mental clarity and discipline

8 Strengthened immune system

3 Drawbacks and Adverse Effects of Strength Training and Fasting

9 Diminished energy levels impacting daily activities and training

10 Risk of overtraining leading to exhaustion or injury

Excessive fasting potentially causes nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, and illness

4 Meal Planning and Metabolism

Crafting optimal meal plans for strength and fasting regimens

Pre- and post-workout meal strategies for balanced nutrition

Understanding the metabolic implications during strength training and fasting

5 Fasting Duration

Identifying the most effective and manageable fasting hours in conjunction with training

Guiding adjusting fasting durations to ensure comfortable adaptation

6 Conclusion


Fasting constitutes a volitional abstention from food intake over variable temporal intervals, serving multifaceted roles as a therapeutic modality for sundry medical maladies (The Free Dictionary, n.d.). Fasting mainly depends on the timing of eating rather than the amount of food an individual takes. An example of this is intermittent fasting (IF), which has gained significant popularity over the years due to its proven benefits, such as decreased fat and improved overall quality of life. From a historical perspective, fasting gained popularity through medical and religious affiliates, the former following the teachings of the Bible and the latter as the treatment for Diabetes Mellitus Types 1 and 2 before the discovery of insulin (Anton et al., 2018). This concept is related to strength training, which is the process by which an individual exercises and these help increase lean mass and reduce fat. Additionally, this helps to strengthen bones due to the pull of the muscles to the bones and aid in preventing or reducing the burden of chronic conditions (Mayo Clinic, 2021). Both concepts, when done simultaneously, can be advantageous secondary to their synergistic effects, enhancing the impact on the individual's health and aiding in achieving fitness goals.


The Synergistic Benefits of Strength Training and Fasting

Individually, strength training and fasting have their benefits. Strength training has been proven to increase muscle mass, reduce fat, and improve quality of life. In research by Lopez et al. (2017), investigating the impact of resistance exercise on the frailty of the elderly population, the group a training volume of 6 to 15 repetitions by 1 to 3 sets, combined with an intensity of 30% to 70% at one repetition maximum (RM), with a frequency of 1 to 6 times a week, showed significant enhancements on functional outcomes and muscle strength and power. Additionally, strength training has positive effects on metabolism. This is based on the notion that muscle contraction consumes glucose as the driving force to produce energy. Due to this, glucose metabolism is improved, and its improved utilization leads to a higher insulin sensitivity. Lastly, strength training also has a positive impact on immune function. Fortunato et al. (2018)

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