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Family Analysis: Description of Nuclear Family Form

Essay Instructions:

Family Analysis Project
NOTE: You will create and upload an original Word file for this assignment instead of typing directly into this document.
Select one (1) family based on personal/professional acquaintance, to complete a comprehensive, written assessment/analysis using the criteria listed below (based on class notes and readings). DO NOT use your family of orientation (family of origin) or your nuclear (conjugal) family. (For definitions, see the Glossary of Terms in Friedman et al, Family Nursing textbook.
• Examine the impact of functional patterns and role structure on the family.
• Examine family relationships and communication patterns.
• Identify influences on family health promotion.
Grading Rubric
Family Analysis
Project Target
60 points max
Introduction(5 points)
Introduction is present and forecasts content of the paper.
Description of Nuclear Family or Variant Family Form(8 points)
Comprehensive description of nuclear family or variant family form; demographic trends (composition, form, ages, educational level); developmental stage
Sociocultural Data: Cultural/Ethnic Asessment; Social Class Status(5 points)
Comprehensive description of the sociocultural data, including an assessment of cultural/ethnic and social class status
Genogram & Ecomap(14 points)
Genogram represents a minimum of 2 generations. Uses correct symbols to demonstrate relationships; Includes symbol legend
Ecomap identifies family relationships inside the middle circle. Uses external circles to include representation from multiple formal and informal support systems. Identifies the nature of relationships between family members and support systems, Includes legend
Environment: Physical Setting (Home, Neighborhood, Community) (5 points)
Clearly depicts the physical environment, including the home, neighborhood, and community.
Communication(5 points)
Carefully describes the quality and methods of communication within the family
Power Structure: Hierarchy; Power Bases; Coalitions(5 points)
Clearly explains the power structure within the family, including the power hierarchy, power bases, and coalitions
Role Structure: Relationships (Formal & Informal)(5 points)
Clearly describes the roles within the family and how they relate to one another, both formally and informally
Values: Norms & Rules(5 points)
Thoroughly explains the values of the family as demonstrated through its norms and rules
Spiritual Activities(5 points)
Thoroughly explains the spiritual activities of the family and their role in their lives
Socialization: Child Rearing Practices; Intra- family Support/Social Network; Recreational/ Leisure Activities(5 points)
Carefully explains each aspect of socialization in the family unit as outlined to the left.
Adaptation: Role Conflicts/ Overload/ Changes; Coping Strategies (Functional & Dysfunctional); Problem- Solving Skills(4 points)
Effectively explains the adaptability of the family through its role conflicts, handling of overload/changes, coping strategies, both functional & dysfunctional, and problem-solving skills
Health Care:
a.Beliefs Regarding : Health/ Illness ( 4-5 Points)
b.Practices Including Promotion/ Prevention Efforts (5 points) : Comprehensively covers the healthcare beliefs regarding health and illness, as well as practices to promote health and prevent illness.
Interventions:(14 points)
a.Recommendations for Strengthening / Maintaining the Family’s Health
b.Discuss Interventions Based on at Least One Theoretical Framework
1) Health Belief Model(textbook, pp. 431-432) or
2) Health Promotion Model (pp. 432-434)
Completely outlines recommendations for strengthening/maintaining the family’s health and discusses interventions based on at least one theoretical framework from the Health Belief Model mentioned in the textbook (pp. 431-432) or from the Health Promotion Model (pp.
Summary/Conclusion(5 points)
Includes summary and conclusion
Format, Length, and Quality of Writing(5 points)
Accurately follows APA format, is within the required length, and is free of errors.
Once you have selected the family to study, begin your analysis. Use the Rubric on the previous pages to guide your work.
Address each criterion listed in the Rubric in sufficient depth to reflect the data you obtained, your analysis of the data, and your recommendations for interventions. Be sure to include specific examples to validate your analysis. You must use references (textbook, class notes, others), and these must be cited throughout your paper.
Submit your analysis in formal writing, typed using APA format. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Family Analysis
Family is the basic unit of the society and plays an integral part of the basic functions of the various elements from religion, policies, communication, welfare, norms, values, ethics and governance among others. This paper examines the various functional patterns and the various roles of a family, family relationships and ways in which the various parties within the family communicate (Pobronson.com, 2016). At the same time identifies the basic influences on the family health promotion.
Description of nuclear family form
The family of interest in this paper is of the Wilsons. This is a nuclear family that is composed of two adults and three children. Wilson is married to Anna and they have two sons and daughter; Mike, Jonson and Alisha. Wilson turned 45 last year in November while his wife Anna turned 39 last month. Their oldest son Mike is 24, the second born Jonson is 21, while their last born Alisha will be turning 18 this month. Wilson is college educated having attained his accounting degree and worked for quite a number companies in the states. His wife is also college educate with a social work diploma. Wilson was retrenched from his last formal job in the year 2008, during the recession and found it hard to get another job. Most of the companies now employ younger employees and thus Wilson found it hard to compete fairly for most of the positions that he applied for. Anna, on the other hand, has been on and off employment and is currently in between jobs. To raise his family, Wilson joined his father Michael in his carpentry business after looking for work for quite a while. Mike, on the other hand, is working as an IT manager in one of the local telecommunication company. He has been a key support pillar in the family financially and even helped his younger brother get an internship position at the company. Alisha joined college at the beginning of the year for her nursing diploma.
Sociocultural data
The Wilsons are African Americans and have a history that goes back several decades with the forefathers having been slaves. In light of their recent predicament, the parents in the family can be considered to be working as blue collar employees (Pobronson.com, 2016). The oldest son, however, in light of the fact that he works as a manager at the local communication company can be considered to be working in a white collar job. Ideally, the family belongs to the working class category, relative to the fact that most of them, other than the mother and their daughter Alisha, who are not currently. This also means that they can manage to cater for most of their needs as a family with little or no help from the government support programs.
Genogram and Ecomap
School Friends Church Extended family FatherBusiness Jonson Mike MotherAlisha Legend
Weak connection
Strong connection
Like most of the extended family and most of the family members from previous generations, the Wilsons live in Chicago, Cook County and in the Illinois. This is one of the most populous cities as is the indication of the neighborhood that the Wilsons live in. The neighborhood is quite crowded, with most of the apartments housing nuclear and extended families all under one roof. Relative to the street plans, the streets take on a grid system that offers relative easy movement within the neighborhood. The family lives in a three bedroom house, with the parents using the master bedroom while the brothers share one bedroom and leaving the extra bedroom to their little sister. The house is quite spacious, although, they do not have spare bedrooms for visitors. As such when their relatives are visiting, the little sister has to share the room with her parents. The community is quite supportive on various social issues, with most of the members being African Americans (Pobronson.com, 2016).
The parents have adopted a rather authoritative communication style (Pobronson.com, 2016). This means that they mostly tend to give directions to the children. The father is the most authoritative figure in the family, with the mother being a little mode...
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