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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Risky-Health Factors Affecting Pregnant Teenagers as the Vulnerable Population

Essay Instructions:

Week 4:

 Identify vulnerable populations in the community and discuss several risk factors that may impact health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Pick one vulnerable population from you clinical experience (pregnant teenagers with mental illness for example) and describe two priorities for community health nurses working with this population.

What resources (other than the Fauquier Clinic/facility) are available to support them in the community?

Are these resources:

  1. accessible  (easy to get to, transportation?)
  2. acceptable (would a pregnant teen be willing to use this resource ?)
  3. affordable (is it free, what are the costs ? )
  4. available (does the patient need a referral? What are the resource hours?)


If you need specific community use please Alexandria, Virginia. And the organization/clinic is Alexandria health department 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Risky-Health Factors Affecting Pregnant Teenagers as the Vulnerable Population
Risky Factors and the Resulting Impacts among Pregnant Teenagers
Proper healthcare is a necessity among all societies in a global context. However, there are prominent risk factors that result in huge impacts, often affecting most vulnerable populations. A good example of the vulnerable populations is mentally challenged teenagers getting pregnant. Most people from the societies might take advantage of the mentally challenged teenagers as they could barely express themselves and report cases such as rape and sexual harassments. Adolescent pregnancy imposes a lot of mental torture and pressure among young people and often leads them to commit suicide. Alexandria health department is a renowned medical facility that plays a key role in maintaining good health to the citizens in its proximity. The looks at pregnancy in mentally challenged teenagers, risk factors that the teens face, priorities for community nurses and the critical role played by Alexandria health department.
Mentally challenged teenagers face several risk factors and health impacts. To start with, some members of the community take advantage of the teenagers’ mental illness to carry out irrational acts such as rape. The irrationality acts might lead to unwanted pregnancies that are a huge burden to the teenage. Most of them result to committing suicide as the community isolates them and imposes them to suffering, stress and mental torture. The situation often leads to health impacts such as attempted abortion that might harm the girl’s parts, which could make her barren. On the other hand, there are social factors such as dropping out of school leading to illiteracy among the female gender (Dev et al., 2010). The social challenges ...
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