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Explorations of New Medications

Essay Instructions:


The process to bring a new medication into the market can be a long one. Technology helps to make that introduction easier but not fault free. Research the process, tools, and technology to introduce a new medication to the market. Based on your research, you will write a 1,000-word paper in current APA format detailing your findings. Include at least 5 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook and the Bible.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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Explorations of New Medications
Explorations of New Medications
As science and technology progress significantly, drug exploration and development targets promoting new medications for treating and palliating most illnesses, including finding effective treatments for some fatal ailments that influence humanity. Every year, several new medicines are certified for utilization despite many candidate drugs failing to pass through the drug development stages. Researching, developing, and releasing new drugs into the market is a long journey that takes over a decade after undergoing several required stages or phases (Torjesen, 2015). Drug development requires thorough scientific research and efforts to get relevant medication interventions. The Bible also emphasizes that ‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters (New International Version, 2011, Colossians 3:23-24).’ This is an ethical perspective that drug development experts must consider when using informed research and making useful drug-related conclusions that never affect consumers. New medications undergo five main stages: drug discovery and development, preclinical testing, clinical trial, regulatory approval, and post-market monitoring.
The Process, Tools, and Technology to Introduce a New Medication to the Market
Drug Discovery and Development Stage
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes five major stages during drug development. This also incorporates various phases within some of the stages. For example, the drug discovery and development stage includes the following steps: hits’ optimization, hits’ screening, and iterative medicinal chemistry to decrease possible drug side effects. In most cases, the formation of a new drug commences whenever most scientists discover a biological target such as an enzyme, gene, receptor, or protein that, in turn, is included in a specific biological process believed to be dysfunctional among individuals with an illness like the Alzheimer's disease (Mohs & Greig, 2017). All the steps involved in this stage are completed before the next stage.
Preclinical Testing Stage
The preclinical testing stage allows drug specialists to refine, optimize, and test substances found in the initial drug discovery stage. This happens in a laboratory setting using animal models. The objective is to identify adequate proof of the drug’s effectiveness and safety before proceeding to clinical trials involving humans. The stage involves calculating relevant dosages to test in people and ensuring that the newly founded substances are readily available in correct quantities before reaching the clinical trials stage. Because fewer amounts were formerly needed, production must be tailored to meet the clinical stage’s higher demand. After completing the preclinical tests, given that the outcomes entirely resolved the investigators’ hypotheses, developers seek permission to continue with clinical studies, majorly focusing on humans. This happens successfully via an Investigational New Drug request in the United States or a Clinical Trial Application in the European Union. The concerned regulatory authorities then inspect all the available data and determine if proceeding to the clinic is necessary.
Clinical Trials Stage
This stage requires people who can volunteer to participate in the trials. It answers particular queries concerning the effectiveness and safety of specific vaccines, new treatment methods, therapies, and drugs. The clinical trials pursue a study protocol that a researcher or investigator requires in phases I, II, III, and IV. Phase I trials come first and include tests involving fewer human volunteers. Nearly 20 to 80 individuals with a medical condition participate in the first phase. Patients are only necessary for the process if the means of a drug action shows that it can never be endured in healthy persons. Phase II follows, and the objective is always to assess the dr...
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