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Nursing Essay: Expanding Home and Telehealth Care

Essay Instructions:

Module 4: Resource Allocation and the Future of Finance-Related Healthcare Reform

Discussion: Healthcare Financial Reform Trends – What Do We Need to Know?

Discussion: Healthcare Financial Reform Trends – What Do We Need to Know?

Using the required background readings and some independent research in peer-reviewed sources, please summarize one of the recent healthcare financial trends and/or new pieces of legislation that will affect future healthcare managers. Present a concise summary of the trend and/or new piece legislation, and discuss its specific financial and economic impact in 200 words. Be as specific as you can in your response, using peer-reviewed sources to support your summary (not opinions).

Mukherjee, T., Al Rahahleh, N., Lane, W., & Dunn, J. (2016). The capital budgeting process of healthcare organizations: A review of surveys. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(1), 58-77. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Nowicki, M. (2018). Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations (Vol. Seventh edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Part 4, pages 295-351. Available in the Trident Online Library.

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Expanding Home & Telehealth Care
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Expanding Home & Telehealth Care

The growing, if not staggering, costs of healthcare are redefining strategies, deliverables, and media to provide care affordably and as universally as possible. In each and every election season, healthcare is a staple. The combination of rapidly changing demographics, growing costs, enhancements in online platforms, and, of course, more progressive legislation has, for one, pushed for radical changes in healthcare services. Under budgetary pressures and federal/state interventions, more and more providers are shifting care from conventional, physical, clinical contexts home and at a distance. Specifically, home and telehealth is an up and coming healthcare financial trend in more recent years. Caught between a rock of value-based and quality service and a hard place of budgetary constraints, providers are expanding on home and telehealth services, particularly in rural areas (Vogenberg & Santilli, 2019). Designated as "downside risk arrangements," home and telehealth is a direct response by care providers to alleviate pressures placed, on the one hand, by federal/state governments to widen insurance coverage and, on another, by major employers weighing options to opt for one provider or another.
This shift in care management from a macro, i.e., federal/state, to micro, i.e., district/hospital or clinic, level expands on capital budgeting responsibilities physicians are assuming increasingly in recent years. Specifically, as more and more for-profit organizations acquire non-for-profits, physicians, one central asset in any given healthcare organization, are involved more and more in capital budgeting processes (Mukherjee, Al Rahahleh & Lane, 2016; Nowicki, 2017). From a resource management perspective, physicians are shown to optimize capital budgeting processes at healthcare organizations. This is, for one, a much sought-after goal by organizations, particularly ones in rural areas struggling for funds and personnel.
From a decision-making process,...
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