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Evidence-Based Practice

Essay Instructions:

Select an article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal regarding an EBP process or implementation.

Write a summary of 750-1,000 words that includes the following criteria:

An introduction that explains the focus of the article.

A summary of key points of the article.

A list of the steps taken by nursing to develop and implement an EBP.

Application of the learned information to a practice setting where the student either identifies an EBP that has been applied to your setting or a practice problem that would benefit from the implementation of an EBP.

A clear and concise conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation;
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the widely recognized elements in the role of nursing with its purpose being in the delivery of care in nursing practice. This practice, therefore, entails the integration of best research evidence with a clinical proficiency that considers the patient's values and needs that spur the delivery of cost-effective and high-quality health care (Miller, Ward, & Young, 2010). EBP, therefore, ensures that nurses have the capacity to ensure clinical interventions and the decision-making process is suitable and safe for different patient groups through an approach that enables effectiveness in the patient’s advocacy.
In his article, Miller, et.al depicts the essence of an evidence-based practice as one that enables the nursing Practitioners to improve the outcomes for patients and their families through the provision of high quality care, a factor that improves the manner in which health services are delivered. according to Miller and his colleagues view, the provision of a streamlined health service which is cost efficient and is tied upon the functions of an evidence-based practice has been determined to reduce the costs experienced by patients and have also enhanced the quality of care the patients receive. The intent of this research study is to determine and apply the steps of EBP process. A peer–reviewed article by Leupoldt, Fritzsche, Trueba, Meuret, & Ritz, (2012) is therefore used as an exemplar in applying the learned steps.
Summary of Key Points of the Article
Leupoldt, et.al in their article examine an evidence-based intervention for Neonatal Syndrome in pediatric nursing. This article was selected since the authors incorporate safe practices as part of the interventions aimed at supporting the practice. An Evidence-based practice, in this case, refers to the clinical judgments prepared based on carried investigations and scientific studies that facilitate the provision of quality care to patients. Evidence-based health care practices according to sources can be used in circumstances such as heart failures, diabetes, asthma, and kidney failures.
Sources reveal that the knowledge that nurses gain during the pre-registration educational programs and other experiences gained in clinical practice acts as a basis in the development of EBP. Nurses in many instances reflect daily on several clinical practices with the aim of implementing and evaluating care, a factor that forms the foundation of research for evidence. Scott, & McSherry, (2009) alludes that the quick reference for guidance does not need to be a time-consuming process or rather lengthy with the accessibility of policies, protocols, and best practice statements. However, the only essential thing to note is the self-recognition of the required knowledge and skill that should be developed to enhance practice.
According to Scott, & McSherry, (2009) nurses may require much time in striving for answers for clinical questions, locating the right research evidence and expanding their clinical expertise. However, by using the critique frameworks as suggested by Scott, & McSherry they are in a position to appraise articles critically and decide the manner in which they can apply the knowledge gained in clinical practice. Through a rigorous appraisal approach, nurses are able to make informed decisions about the validity and the reliability of resourceful evidence that can guide their practice in offering quality care. Additionally, nurses within the clinical setting should determine the challenges and the problems they frequently encounter in their practice and develop research methods and evidence of how to manage such dilemmas.
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