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Evaluation Design Plan

Essay Instructions:

Course Project: Program Evaluation

There are two main types of evaluation: process and outcome. Process (formative) evaluation simply refers to the steps taken along the way toward your final outcomes. It determines if you are doing the right things, in the right way, and at the right time. A process evaluation answers the following questions: Are the critical events in place to assure project success? Is the project working as expected? Are you doing what you said you would do? A process evaluation lets you know what key landmarks or steps you must complete along the way. It looks at what you did and how you did it.

Outcome (summative) evaluation determines if your program made a difference in the health of your target population. Did you achieve your goals? Outcome evaluation measures the effectiveness of care that takes places after the intervention has been delivered. It involves (1) measurement of the community (or target population) response to a program; and (2) interpretation of the degree to which planned goals were met. Outcome evaluation focuses on how the people you serve have changed as a result of your project. It looks at what happened because of what you did, in the short-term, intermediate, and long-term. Short-term outcomes might be reflected in changes in knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Intermediate outcomes refer to changes in behavior. Finally, long-term outcomes refer to changes in a condition or status.

For this section of the course project, you will develop a plan for the evaluation of your public health program.

To Prepare

• Review this week’s Learning Resources on evaluation

• Review your logic model and implementation plan. Is an evaluation strategy included?

For this Assignment, you will write a 2-3-page evaluation design plan that explains how you will evaluate your program and addresses the following:

• How did you determine data needs?

• How will you collect the data you need?

• What type(s) of evaluation is most appropriate for your program? Explain.

• How can the effectiveness of your program be evaluated?

• Based on the experience at your placement agency, what changes would you make to the program? What is missing? Explain.

Required Readings

Anderson, E. T., & McFarlane, J. (2019). Community as partner: Theory and practice in nursing (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

• Chapter 15, “Evaluating a Community Health Program” (pp. 266-279)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Introduction to program evaluation for public health programs: A self-study guide. Atlanta, GA: Author. Retrieved from https://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/eval/guide/cdcevalmanual.pdf

Step 3, “Focus the Evaluation Design” (pp. 42-55)

Step 4, “Gather Credible Evidence” (pp. 56-73)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluation Design Plan
Evaluation Design Plan
Determining Data Needs
Seeking relevant data in program evaluation is key to ensuring that the evaluation process is on course to achieve its desired purpose. Therefore, the best way to ensure that data obtained from participants during the program evaluation is by aligning the evaluation questions to the project's objectives (Anderson & McFarlane, 2019). For instance, in this case, where the project's desired outcomes include ensuring participants lose weight, increase physical activity, eat a balanced and healthy diet, and stick to doctors' prescription on specific medication, the objectives are the ones that shall inform the evaluation questions. During the evaluation, some of the data collected include the amount of weight loss by participants every month during the six months that the program runs. A question on the physical activity to determine the number of time participants engage in physical exercise will also be relevant. Project managers shall also need data on the participants' diets for the six months. Finally, health professionals shall collect data on the glucose levels for participants for six months. 
Data Collection 
With the program running for six months, there will be no need for engaging in a one-off collection of data. Instead, health professionals shall collect quantitative data such as the amount of weight loss recorded by participants every month. Data on physical activity shall be recorded by participants who will be encouraged to keep journals to aid them in racking the amount of time they walk per week. Data on a diet shall also be recorded by participants trained on recording such information in their journals. Additionally, participants shall also be provided with the relevant tools to measure their glucose regularly to ensure that they are maintained within the desired levels. Besides, data on the glucose levels shall also be recorded by the specified health practitioner on a monthly level and other data on weight loss and physical activity. All these data shall be looked at every month within the six months by a health professional who will then engage the participants on areas with problems or in unique situations and adjust the program slightly to ensure that the desired outcome is achieved.
Appropriate Evaluation for the Program
According to the goal statement of the program, it is clear that its primary aim is to reduce occurrences of Type 2 Diabetes among African Americans living in Montgomery County in Maryland. Therefore, t...
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