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Evaluating Nutritional Status

Essay Instructions:

*PLEASE give me the best writer.

*PLEASE follow the guidelines.

* Pick a topic in the guideline that I just uploaded.

Skills Module: Nutrition

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction and Key Points

1. Choose one of the assigned topics and identifies one of the questions

2. Defines the topic and question

3. States why it is a problem

4. Information presented in logical sequence

5 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

4 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

3 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

1 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle Search

1. Current (less than 5 years) and credible resource

2. Database search - terms and methods used

3. Number of articles located

4. Source outside of ATI module used

5 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

4 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

3 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

1 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle Findings

1. How it addresses the topic

2. Type of research conducted

3. Findings of research

4. Why this article was chosen

25 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

22 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

20 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

10 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence for Practice

1. Summary of evidence

2. How it will improve practice

3. How this evidence will decrease a gap to practice

4. Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence

25 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

22 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

20 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

10 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSharing of Evidence

1. Who would you share the information with?

2. How would you share this information?

3. What resources would you need to accomplish this sharing of evidence?

4. Why would it be important to share this evidence with the nursing profession?

20 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

17 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

15 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

10 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

1. Summarizes the theme of the paper

2. Information presented in logical sequence

3. All key points addressed

4. Conclusion shows depth of understanding of topic

5 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

4 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

3 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

1 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style

1. APA style used properly for citations

2. APA style used properly for references

3. APA style used properly for quotations

4. All references are cited, and all citations have references

*NOTE: Must adhere to current APA guidelines and formatting.

10 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

8 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

7 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

4 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics

1.No spelling errors

2. No grammatical errors, including verb tense and word usage

3. No writing errors, including sentence structure, and formatting

4. Must be all original work

5 pts

Highest Level of Performance

Includes 4 requirements for section.

4 pts

High Level of Performance

Includes 3 requirements for section.

3 pts

Satisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements for section.

1 pts

Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement for section.

0 pts

Section not Present

No requirements for this section presented.

5 pts

Total Points: 100

2. Choose one of the main topics from the table and then choose one (1) article for review under that main topic. (This table is in the attached paper guidelines)

3. Next, read the article chosen (from the table mentioned above) and answer one (1) of the topic questions listed.

What methods can be used to assess nutritional status?

What methods can be used to identify those at risk for malnutrition?

What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition?

What associations exist between nutritional status and health outcomes?

What type of intervention improves adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake?

4. Then, create a 2-3 page scholarly paper that supports the topic question you selected. Search for a current research article (less than 5 years) to support the topic question selected.

The 2-3 page limit does not include title and reference pages. - You will be searching for evidence that supports the question chosen.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evaluating nutritional status
Student’s Name
Department, Institutional Affiliation
Course Code, Name & Number
Professors Name
Evaluating nutritional status (What methods can be used to assess nutritional status)
The nutritional status evaluation aims to define a person's nutritional state, identify clinically significant malnutrition, and track variations in nutritional status. This study will analyse the article by Vereecken et al, (2013). The author suggests that various techniques are available for determining nutritional status, including surveillance, screening, surveys, and interventions. Nutrition is a problem since; poor nutrition may increase the risk of getting certain illnesses and other health problems, such as being overweight.
Article Search
A literature review analysis requires detailed, up-to-date queries on evaluating nutritional status. The query involves creating a list of keywords, including nutrition, screening, evaluation, and surveys, among other keywords relevant to this topic of study. The search also involved utilizing the main article provided to assess the keywords. The search involved google scholar and chamberlain library. The databases employed filters based on the publication date and permitted full text. 50,200 results were returned once the search was restricted to 5 years and older. Pubmed, a free resource for evaluating the MEDLINE database, was used for more focused searches (Fiorini et al., 2017). The search used a query builder to specify what was crucial to increase the precision and relevancy of the outcome.
Article findings
Zhang et al. (2018) address evaluating nutritional status by relating it to oncology patients and using screening and intervention to assess it. The available screening tools were PG_SGA and NRS-2002. The study emphasizes interventions before the clinical symptoms of malnutrition to evaluate their nutritional status. The paper utilizes quantitative analysis to establish the results and conclusion, evident from the statical analysis and other numerical figures used to establish the results. The study used a considerable number of subjects. It is crucial to remember that patients who are at risk for malnutrition should have their nutritional screening constantly checked. This study evaluated the usefulness of two accessible screening methods and recommended raising the quality of life for malnourished individuals. The article was the best choice because it offers the specifics of the keywords linked to the topic. In addition, it gave insights into the nutritional status evaluation and the methods of nutritional status evaluation. That made it thrilling and engaging and thus was the best research process.
Evidence for practice
Malnutrition is prevalent among different world populations. However, its significance is not entirely understood. Malafarina (2018) calculated the malnutrition prevalence using the Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA) as...
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