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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Ethical Issues With AI in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Create a five minute podcast transcript that provides your audience – fellow attendees here in the Society for Ethical Leadership and Development Conference – with information about one to two ethical considerations for the use of AI in healthcare.

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Ethical Issues with AI in Healthcare
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Ethical Issues with AI in Healthcare
Over the years, the world has been experiencing an improvement in technology. For example, different sectors have employed technology due to the outstanding impact that it has been causing in different fields. One field that has been affected by technological advancement is healthcare facilities. Even though there are different forms of technology it has employed, one that has attracted huge attraction is artificial intelligence. However, despite most people acknowledging that AI has played a critical role in healthcare facilities, they also highlight that it has some ethical issues. One of the common ethical issues is regarding the security of human employees and algorithmic fairness.
One ethical dilemma that artificial intelligence exposes is the security of employees’ jobs. When AI is employed in the healthcare system, it will be fed with information, making it perform like a professional. For instance, it will predict the person's condition after being fed the information. Moreover, most systems will likely treat most patients with minimum supervision. This process will likely reduce the number of employees employed within a given facility (Morris, 2022). The only individuals likely to be left in the institution are the ones who will be managing these systems or conducting the services which these systems cannot offer.
The process has exposed the healthcare facility to an ethical dilemma. For instance, artificial intelligence will likely offer standardized treatments since the systems will likely make fewer mistakes than human labor. Moreover, healthcare facilities could choose AI since they will have to employ a few employees to conduct the same job many previously performed. Since an organization aims to maximize profit, it may be tempted to employ artificial intelligence. However, reducing the number of employees will likel...
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