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Ethical Implications of Inadequate Nurse Staffing

Essay Instructions:

While a career in nursing is rewarding and fulfilling, it is not without its share of challenges. Regardless of their area of practice, nurses face a multitude of ethical dilemmas every day. The ethical dilemmas faced by nurses include everything from speaking up about how a staffing shortage impacts quality of care to deciding how to utilize resources that might be better used on another patient or population of patients. Describe an ethical health issue that impacts nursing (pro/con). Submit evidence of your efforts. Upload your paper here.

Paper Requirements:

Follow all APA guidelines (abstract is required).

Include a thorough description of the dilemma. What makes this an ethical issue? Explore the social, ethical, spiritual, economic, health care organization, health care provider, political, moral, societal, and legal aspects.

Analyze your dilemma according to an ethical dilemma decision making model and clearly define each step and how it applies to the model.

Discuss your nursing role as a change agent working toward eliminating the ethical issue you identified.

Use specific examples to discuss your role as a change agent.

Discuss your nursing role to “… serve God and humanity” as a change agent for the ethical issue identified. Follow all APA guidelines (abstract is required).

Title page



Body with all content thoroughly addressed


Papers should be 7 - 10 pages long (not including reference/title page)

The use of a minimum of 6 references, excluding your text (which is expected), At least three must be nursing references. One must be a spiritual reference. (Not just the Bible) Two must be nursing research. The references need to be within the last 5 years unless they are classic works. (Wikipedia or dictionaries are not acceptable)

Please follow all of the elements of the Rubric for this Assignment

Learning Objectives for paper:

Describe an ethical health issue that impacts nursing (pro/con).

Discuss your nursing role as a change agent working toward eliminating the ethical issue you identified.

**Use specific examples to discuss your role as a change agent.

Discuss your nursing role to “… serve God and humanity” as a change agent for the ethical issue identified.


Ethical Dilemma Paper Rubric

Ethical Dilemma Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThorough description of dilemma What makes this an ethical issue? Explore the social, ethical, spiritual, economic, health care organization, health care provider, political, moral, societal, and legal aspects.

20 pts

0 pts

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of an ethical decision making model Analyze your dilemma according to the model and clearly define each step and how it applies to the model. It should have two outcomes.

20 pts

0 pts

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of ethical/legal terms Use of ethical and legal terms. Differentiate between ethical, legal and moral attributes identified in your case.

10 pts

0 pts

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclude your decision Conclude your pro/con choice and provide rationale.

10 pts

0 pts

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of nursing role in the dilemma • Discuss your nursing role as a change agent working toward eliminating the ethical issue you identified. • **Use specific examples to discuss your role as a change agent. • Discuss your nursing role to “… serve God and humanity” as a change agent for the ethical issue identified.

20 pts

0 pts

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA This paper will be 7-10 pages, excluding title and reference page Organization, readability, grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Use of nonsexist language

10 pts

0 pts

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of References The use of a minimum of 6 references, excluding your text (which is expected), At least three must be nursing references. One must be a spiritual reference. (Not just the Bible) Two must be nursing research. The references need to be within the last 5 years unless they are classic works. Check with the professor if there is a question.

___ At least 3 nursing references ___One spiritual reference ___Two nursing research references ___Within last 5 years ___Total of 7 references with one being the textbook

10 pts

0 pts

10 pts

Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Issue
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Ethics are vital to the integrity of the nursing profession. It guarantees better patient-centered care in the health sector. On daily occurrences, nurses face complex questions on medical treatment and how to deal with ethical dilemmas appropriately. They learn to respond to conflicting issues through years of training, experience, and patient interactions. The best way to respond to a moral issue in nursing is by reviewing the American Nurse Association's code of ethics to determine a solution to a unique situation (Zhang et al., 2018). If nurses do not adequately handle ethical issues, the result could be tense clinical relationships, a decline in patient care, moral distress, legal issues, and burnout. This write-up will explore the ethical implications of inadequate nurse staffing and the social, ethical, political, economic, moral, healthcare, societal, and legal aspects of nursing task force shortage. Additionally, the paper will explore the ethics of nursing shortage according to an ethical dilemma decision-making model. It also analyzes the nursing role as a change agent in serving God and humanity.
Nursing ethics are beliefs, rules of conduct, core values, and principles deemed essential for licensed nurses. The persistent shortage of nursing staff across medical facilities challenges the beliefs and values of the nursing profession. A nurse's obligations are not limited to patient care. They also include adherence to legal and ethical standards and maintaining appropriate relationships and boundaries with colleagues. Due to insufficient staffing, many nurses find it challenging to carry out their moral obligations of providing quality patient care. Inadequate staffing leads to massive patient workloads for available nurses, working for longer hours, and increased risk of personal injury. Due to taskforce shortages, nurses often complain of job dissatisfaction, burnout, legal implications, and moral distress, leading to poor patient care quality (Milliken, 2018). They end up in a dilemma whereby they must decide to either care for patients or their own needs. This scenario often leads to high job turnover rates across the healthcare sector. Many facilities have ethics committees that guide nurses when dealing with ethical issues. The guidance includes defining the problem's moral dimensions, applying ethical principles to the situation, searching for professional codes for advice, generating possible solutions, taking action, and evaluating results to improve future decision-making.
The Social, Ethical, Political, Economic, Moral, Healthcare, Societal, and Legal Aspects of the Nursing Taskforce Shortage
Ethical issues vary significantly. Most conflicting situations are rooted in inadequate nurse staffing, quality patient care, protecting patients' rights, and advanced decision-making. The healthcare aspect of the nursing shortage ethical issue is poor patient care because the hospital assigns nurses to care for several patients. According to the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, a limited nursing task force increases patient mortality due to little maintenance during hospital stays (Milliken, 2018). One moral obligation nurses must fulfill is protecting their patients from harm. In this aspect, the hospital sets unrealistic goals for patient care, especially in cases requiring specialized care.
Regarding the moral aspect, healthcare providers working in inadequate staffing experience distress. They feel they are compromising their ethical duty of providing the utmost care to patients by offering inadequate care. In some situations, nurses make medical errors that result in further complications, leaving them in mental anguish because they believe they would have done better. Additionally, they can only provide mandatory patient care, such as injection and monitoring but lack time to provide additional care, like taking patients out for a walk and holding personal conversations.
The legal implication of the nursing shortage problem is that the public can easily access data concerning the inadequacy of patient care, leading to neglect related to personal injury tort. People then use these claims to trigger lawsuits despite the absence of other viable healthcare issues (Milliken, 2018). The healthcare sector has received subsequent lawsuits relating to negligence claims associated with low staffing levels with matters relating to death, injuries, residents wandering, and bedsores. In most cases, the court awards victims of the occurrences large settlements, making it an expensive affair for the hospital and healthcare providers.
Additionally, constant ethical conflicts at the workplace drain nurses physically, socially, and mentally, resulting in burnout. Nurses tend to patients' needs and fulfill their moral obligations, leading to physical exhaustion and job dissatisfaction. Even though some hospitals provide overtime pay that caters to the technical aspect of nursing care, they forget about care ethics, which requires meaningful patient care.
Implication and Ethics of Nursing Shortage
The ANA code of ethics provides several provisions that are continually updated to reflect diverse perspectives, changes in research, law, and emerging issues. The code is helpful in the current healthcare environment. It reinforces a nurse's fundamental values and duties, the boundaries of responsibility, and obligations beyond patient encounters. The ANA code of ethics has four principles and nine provisions that guide nurses through their nursing practice (Fowler, 2018). Additionally, the four principles of nursing practice that guide nursing practice include autonomy, which means that each patient has the right to make their own decisions based on their beliefs and values. In this case, the nurse must respect the patient's right to refuse medications, surgery, or other medical interventions. The second principle is nonmaleficence, which simply means do not harm. It requires nurses to decide on medical interventions that can be beneficial without causing harm. The third principle is beneficence. It entails actions guided by compassion and prioritizing patient-centered care. In the justice principle, patients have a right to equitable and fair treatment by pushing for equitable healthcare and advocating for health programs for all populations.
Nurses work for longer hours and additional shifts that strain their physical ability to perform, which results in adverse patient outcomes because many honor their duties to their patients. They follow the second ANA code of ethics provision, which states that a nurse should be solely committed to the patient. Therefore, their commitment to pati...
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